2023-11-16 Growing problem of e-waste

1) Wireless devices have short lives but, unfortunately, the toxic materials they contain don’t. Telecoms make sure that phones become obsolete, requiring total replacement regularly, for example. This terrible cycle is destroying the environment and harming those involved with constant recycling.

Electronic Waste (e-waste)

“Every year millions of electrical and electronic devices are discarded as products break or become obsolete and are thrown away. These discarded devices are considered e-waste and can become a threat to the environment and to human health if they are not treated, disposed of, and recycled appropriately. Common items in e-waste streams include computers, mobile phones, and large household appliances, as well as medical equipment…

Electronic waste (e-waste) is the fastest growing solid waste stream in the world, increasing 3 times faster than the world’s population.


2) Short (7 minute) presentations before a government body by several experts in various fields. These are perfect for sharing with people new to or skeptical about the topic.


“On October 18, 2023, several experts in law, policy, health and science testified to the Stamford, Connecticut Board of Representatives Land use Committee on 5G and health and environmental impacts.

A growing body of scientific evidence links cell phone radiofrequency (RF) radiation to a broad range of harmful effects at legally allowed levels including cancer, memory damage and impacts on brain development, the endocrine system, thyroid function, reproduction, and DNA/genetic damage….

Watch Clips excerpted from the full meeting below featuring Rob Brown MD, B. Blake Levitt, Devra Davis Ph.D. MPH, Theodora Scarato, Kent Chamberlin Ph.D and attorney Joe Sandri.”

Stamford Rejects 5G Proposal After Presentation by Science, Policy and Law Experts on Health and Environment Impacts


3) This is a good overview of 5G studies, reports, and problems — written for a health and wellness audience. It’s another good article to share with new people.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Experts raise public health fears about microwave syndrome from 5G masts

“The Government would have us believe that “there may be a small increase in overall exposure to radio waves when 5G is added to an existing network or in a new area” but that “there should be no consequences for public health”. Is this actually the case? On what evidence has this statement been made?”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.”     Henry David Thoreau

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation