2023-11-15 New York Times — smartphones are safe

1) This article in the New York Times is filled with misrepresentations, incorrect and outdated information. Shameful. Why is it that there have been no articles about the significant studies showing harm, such as the NTP and Ramazzini? Is it because the media, including the NY Times, is in cahoots with the telecoms to hide the truth for the sake of profit? A major portion of NYT shares is owned by Carlos Slim, Mexican telecom billionaire.

Do I Need to Worry About Smartphone Radiation?

“As with all cellphones (along with Wi-Fi networks, radio stations, remote controls and GPS), smartphones do emit radiation, said Emily Caffrey, an assistant professor of health physics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. They use invisible energy waves to transmit voices, texts, photos and emails to nearby cell towers, which can shuttle them to virtually anywhere in the world.

But nearly three decades of scientific research has not linked such exposures to medical issues like cancer, health authorities including the Food and Drug Administration say.”


A response by Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, who questions why these “experts” were relied on by the author. I hope he sent this to the NY Times, but doubt they would print it.

“None of the research publications of Gayle Woloschak, Emily A. Caffrey, or Howard A. Fine deal with electromagnetic radiation that is used in wireless communication (later – wireless radiation). Their research deals solely with the effects of ionizing radiation. Neither of the interviewed experts is an expert in the effects of radiation used in wireless communication. By having general education in radiation, both ionizing and non-ionizing or in cancer physiology, all of the experts may provide, as they did, some very general comments on non-ionizing radiation effects. But because they are not experts in wireless radiation effects they said stuff that better fits layperson who reads newspapers. It feels that they all simply recap the misleading and oversimplified statements disseminated for years in the news media by the ICNIRP, the IEEE-ICES, and the telecommunication industry.”

New York Times’ Caroline Hopkins and scientists interviewed for the story “Do I Need to Worry About Smartphone Radiation?” should be embarrassed


And this from Dr. Joel Moskowitz:

“Yesterday, I searched EMF-Portal for papers on cell phone radiation written by the three “experts” cited in this NY Times article. I found only two papers co-authored by one of the “experts” when he worked at the National Cancer Institute. Since the papers were more than two decades old, I too question his expertise on this particular topic.

2001Inskip PD, Tarone RE, Hatch EE, Wilcosky TC, Shapiro WR, Selker RG, Fine HA, Black PM, Loeffler JS, Linet MS [details] Cellular-telephone use and brain tumors [epidem.]                           N Engl J Med 344 (2): 79-86

1999Inskip PD, Hatch EE, Stewart PA, Heineman EF, Ziegler RG, Dosemeci M, Parry D, Parry N, Boice Jr JD, Wilcosky TC, Watson DJ, Shapiro WR, Selker RG, Fine HA, Black MCL, Loeffler JS, Linet        Study Design for a Case Control Investigation of Cellular Telephones and Other Risk Factors for Brain Tumors in Adults [tech./dosim.]                                                                                                  Radiat Prot Dosimetry 86 (1): 45-52

BTW, for more information on the lead author of these two papers see “NCI’s Peter Inskip: Odd Man Out” in Microwave News. “(https://microwavenews.com/news-center/iarc-cell-phone-radiation-possible-human-carcinogen)

2) Lithium batteries are used in so many things now, but for years experts have been warning that they could explode, causing fires that are very difficult to control. They are in computers, cell phones, for example — and for years, airlines have banned these batteries from being put into baggage. Lithium is the cause of environmental damage and the batteries are killing people. Surely industry can find a safer component for batteries, but will they?

(click on photos to enlarge)

Brooklyn fire that killed 3 family members was caused by lithium-ion battery in e-scooter, officials say

“An e-scooter with a lithium-ion battery was charging in the doorway and staircase of a Brooklyn brownstone home Sunday when it exploded and caused a wall of fire that killed Albertha West and her two relatives, according to fire officials. The blaze also left a firefighter badly injured.”


Lithium-ion battery fires are happening more often.

“These incidents are becoming more common for a number of reasons. For starters, lithium-ion batteries are now in numerous consumer tech products, powering laptops, cameras, smartphones and more. They allow companies to squeeze hours of battery life into increasingly slim devices. But a combination of manufacturer issues, misuse and aging batteries can heighten the risk from the batteries, which use flammable materials.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty.”   Plato

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation