1) ART is asking for more people to add their names to this document. Please see more information in “Letters“.
The International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age
“The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees nondiscrimination, devotion to the best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development, and respect for the views of the child. Other international appeals recognize additional or supplemental rights of children, such as the European Union Action on the Rights of the Child, and the Reykjavik Appeal on Wireless Technology in Schools.
The existence of the legal rights of children is well recognized, but not adequately or uniformly enforced, especially when those rights conflict with powerful commercial interests. In this document we set out three fundamental legal rights of children regarding the deployment and use of technology: their right to be free from intentionally addictive devices, platforms and apps; their right to be free from harmful exposures to radiation; and their right to be free from commercial exploitation.
2) This document illustrates the industry’s position and advises how information about cell towers and EMF should be “sold” to individuals, local governments, etc. Much of the information is false or misleading — but this is the type of junk that is told to Councils and those who protest. It’s important to know what to expect. Perhaps a similar document should be prepared with facts for Councils and those who do not protest.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Risk Communication Guide for Mobile Phones and Base Stations
Practical guidance and support on good risk communications practice for the mobile industry
“Remember that just presenting facts will never be persuasive for some people. This is because there have been many false claims by officials, scientists and even regulators in the past over a wide range of environment and health issues….
The process of communicating about radio signals may increase concern because the public may not have considered the issues previously. When this is linked to precautionary messages, such as how to reduce exposures, it may be interpreted as confirming the possibility of a risk.
The WHO warns against precautionary measures such as arbitrary reductions of safety limits as this may undermine confidence in their scientific base….
There is no scientific reason to avoid locating antennas on or near schools.”
3) Marie LeBlanc has made a correction to the dates for the showing and streaming of her film ‘Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Environmental Illness‘.
Where: Hershey Hall Salon (158), 612 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (Parking structure 2 is closest) (The in person event is full)
Hybrid event. The event will be in-person and live-streamed on CSW|Streisand Center’s YouTube channel @UCLACSW. You can register or watch on the links below.
• Watch the Friday, November 17 livestream.
• Watch the Saturday, November 18 livestream.
For more information please go to this link: https://csw.ucla.edu/event/oral-histories-of-environmental-illness-ohei-symposium/. It includes the links to the livestreams (day 1 and day 2).
You can access the livestream without registering. You can access it after the event as well.
4) Correction to Marg Friesen’s item in last night’s update. More information in “Letters“.
“Correction and still opportunity to write to mayor and Councillors directly – Deadline submission date for City of Winnipeg regarding Smart Water Meters has passed. However, there is still time to email and phone Mayor Gillingham and Councillors directly (contact info below).
I thought the deadline for submissions to the Executive Policy Committee’s meeting (Nov 14th) was noon on Monday (Nov. 13th) without realizing that Monday is a Civic Holiday because of Remembrance Day. Because noon the business day previous to the meeting was Friday (Nov 10th) the deadline has passed. If you have composed a submission, please hold onto it. This item is likely to be voted on by the Council on Thursday November 23rd.”

Dear ART affiliated organizations,
We need your help. Over the past week, more than 1,000 people from around the world have signed in support of the International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age. (See the signatory list here.)
This groundbreaking document is built on the 1959 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child, and promotes three fundamental rights of all children in the digital age: the right to be free from addictive platforms and apps, the right to be free from hazardous wireless radiation, and the right to be free from commercial exploitation.
Can you help us reach out through your networks of members, friends, associates, and family to encourage more professionals and individuals to sign?
Parents, grandparents, care givers and other child advocates as well as credentialed legal, health and scientific experts from around the world are invited to support the Declaration, which will be presented to the United Nations on World Children’s Day, November 20th.
Learn More and Lend Your Support https://www.thechildrensdeclaration.org/become-a-signatory

From: Marg Friesen (Correction to information in last night’s update)
Subject: Time sensitive – Proposed Smart Water Meters
To: Winnipeggers concerned about the proposed purchase of smart water meters.
However, for this Tuesday’s meeting, there is still time to write directly to the Mayor and Councillors. Please ask for a deferment of the passing of the Water Meter Renewals public service report until the members of the committee and the public have time to read the Diameter Services report which is referred to in the Public Service Report AND ask that for broad public consultation on this $ 135 Million purchase that will bring the smart meters in or on places where we live.
1. Mayor Scott Gillingham
Phone: 204‑986‑5665
2. Councillor Evan Duncan: Charleswood – Tuxedo – Westwood Ward
Email: eduncan@winnipeg.ca
Phone: 204-986-5232
Fax: 204-986-3725
3. Councillor Sherri Rollins: Fort Rouge – East Fort Garry Ward
Email: srollins@winnipeg.ca
Phone: 204-986-5878
Fax: 204-986-3725
4. Councillor Jeff Browaty: North Kildonan Ward
Email: jbrowaty@winnipeg.ca
Phone: 204-986-5196
Fax: 204-986-3725
5. Councillor Brian Mayes: St. Vital Ward
Email: BMayes@winnipeg.ca
Phone: 204-986-5088
Fax: 204-986-3725
6. Councillor Janice Lukes: Waverley West Ward
Phone: 204‑986‑6824
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.