1) All welcome to a C4ST webinar meeting next Tuesday. Information is available at the link below.
C4ST Open Meeting – All Welcome
7:30pm Eastern Time, 4:30pm PT Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Cell Towers and Balancing Community Needs, Wired and Wireless Infrastructure
by Shelley Wright, Canadian Educators for Safe Technology
2) All the presentations and webinars from this amazing conference are available for free.
(click on photos to enlarge)
The EMF Medical Conference 2021
“Presentations were made by internationally recognized scientists who have published in the field of bio-electromagnetics; by knowledgeable health practitioners who treat people for EMF associated illness and injuries; and, by healthy building engineers who test EMF exposures and mitigate hazards, will provide a high quality education and training experience.”
We are now offering you the chance to view, AT NO CHARGE, all the videos associated with this conference.
3) Apparently, SAR levels are available for cellphones. Here is some help in case the SAR for your cell phone is not readily available in the manual:
My guess is that a critical item is not provided — the distance between the phone and SAM or the phantom body during the test. In all the info I’ve been able to find, no phone is tested next to the body. All are tested at least 5mm from the body, with many as much as 15mm away. Each mm reduces the SAR by as much as 30%.
If any of you do find the SAR of your phone exceeds 1.6 W/kg please let me know at:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with SAR on the subject line.
Please note that I believe Dr. Arazi has made an error in saying that testing is done for 30 min. in North America vs. 6 min. in France. I will ask where he got that information.
“5.1 Time-averaging period For compliance with the SAR limits set forth in Safety Code 6, the following requirements shall be met at all times:
• A reference period of 6 minutes (360 seconds) shall be used; and
• Compliance shall be demonstrated over any 360-second time interval (rolling time averaging window).
Products using a different averaging period may be considered on a case-by-case basis provided the TAS implementation yields equivalent or more conservative results than 360 seconds. A related inquiry must be submitted to ISED.”
The Phonegate Alert SAR Calculator (bêta test version)
Find out in one click the real SAR of your mobile phone:
Additional information about cellphone SAR:
(Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin)
4) Great news from Marie LeBlanc in Letters. You will be able to see her film as it’s being shown in Los Angeles, or after if you can’t make it. Congratulations to Marie for this great achievement.
From: “Marie LeBlanc” <m.leblanc.art@gmail.com>
Sent: November 8, 2023
Subject: My short film will be screened at UCLA Oral Histories Environmental Illness Symposium
Hi All,
I am excited to announce that my short film ‘Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Environmental Illness‘ will be screened at the Oral Histories of Environmental Illness event called Canary Knowledge: Chronic Fatigue, Chemical Sensitivities and the Limits of Medicine.
Presented by the CSW | Streisand Center.
When: Friday, November 17 – Saturday, November 18, 2023 My film be shown on day November 18 between 3:00 to 3:45 during an art Interlude.
Where: Hershey Hall Salon (158), 612 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (Parking structure 2 is closest) (The in- person event is full)
Hybrid event: The event will be in-person and live-streamed on CSW | Streisand Center’s YouTube channel @UCLACSW. You can register or watch on the links below.

With the surge in numbers of “unrecovered” from the Co-V2 pandemic, the public’s interest has turned to disability and caregiver activism, ongoing remissions protocols, and patient-led research networks established by those living with chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity, tick-borne illnesses, and autoimmune conditions (e.g. HIV, lupus, Crohn’s). This conference bridges the immediate before and after of Co-V2’s effects on this growing population of the chronically ill, and often medically abandoned, to ask how they—like the proverbial canaries in the coal mine—have defined and laid the groundwork for disability justice, art, and activism.
For more information please go to this link:
It includes the links to the livestreams (day 1 and day 2).
You can access the livestream without registering. You can access it after the event as well.
I hope you can make it.
I would like to thank Scott Killingworth, Susie Molloy, Paul Smith and Dorene Daugherty for sharing their stories.
I would like to thank Paul D. Turgeon for editing the short film
Please share my FB link:
Marie LeBlanc
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“If the experiments which I urge be defective, it cannot be difficult to show the defects; but if valid, then by proving the theory, they must render all objections invalid.” Isaac Newton
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.