1) In response to the item in yesterday’s update about the dog that reacted strongly to “smart” home plugs, a member sent this info. No wonder the dog was in pain.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Amazon Smart Plug works exclusively with Alexa.
Amazon Smart Plug must be connected to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network.
“Alexa smart home: https://www.amazon.ca/b?ie=UTF8&node=23994624011
Alexa Smart Home
Alexa can turn any house into a smart home using voice control for compatible smart home devices like lights, plugs, cameras, and door locks. Dim the lights, check the baby camera, or turn on the kettle with your voice once you pair compatible products to your Echo device or the Alexa app. You can also automate your smart home with Alexa Routines.”
2) The wireless industry knows that their devices can be addictive for young people, creating future consumers without consideration of harm done to young brains and bodies. Unfortunately, no regulatory agency is taking action to prevent harm despite decades of research that is readily available. The same errors and delays that occurred with cigarettes is happening with wireless. As has been said by many, wireless is the cigarette of the 21st century. How many more will suffer great harm and die before consumers are told?
Why There Should Be No More Discussion about “Appropriate” Screen Time for Infants, Toddlers, and Children
“As a consumer culture, we do not debate the “appropriate level of exposure” for smoking, alcohol, gambling, pornography, guns, driving, or drug paraphernalia for infants, toddlers, and young children. A product or practice is either safe, or not safe, in childhood….
Now, perhaps nowhere in modern society is lack of discernment more damaging than in the blind acceptance of cell phones, tablets, screens, and wireless device use by children. We need to fix this, not only for children, but to reclaim reason in ourselves.”
3) Unfortunately, no mention of exposure to RF radiation but this expert warns of many other reasons why children should not have phones (even in or after 8th grade.)
Want to raise happy, successful kids? ‘Wait as long as possible’ to give them a phone, says Yale expert
“Halting smartphone use for children and young people until they’re in 8th grade comes with benefits, according to advocacy group Wait Until 8th, including:
– Less risk of anxiety and depression
– Increased quantity and quality of sleep
– More time for physical activity and the outdoors”

From: “Alerte Phonegate” <contact@phonegatealert.org>
Sent: November 5, 2023
Subject: New study links cell phone use to risk of infertility for men
A Swiss study shows a link between heavy cell phone use and a drop in sperm quality, increasing the risk of infertility. And contrary to the misleading claims made by ICNIRP member Martin Röösli to the media, 3G and 4G are more powerful than 2G, not the other way around..
Read Forbes article:
More info about this topic:
Apple’s iPhone 12 update has gone live in mainland France. However, nothing in the French overseas departments and territories, nor at European level…many organizations are mobilizing to support our action, as recently in Poland and Norway. The petition has just been translated into Polish and Slovenian.
Please sign and spread the word:
Thank you for helping us spread this message as widely as possible.
The Phonegate Alert Team
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.