1) This woman tells how EMF affected her, especially at a hospital. She did everything imaginable to survive.
Interview with Julia Lupine the Author of Under a Rock, An Electrosensitive Survival Guide
“It’s great to see an electrically sensitive (EHS) person who’s not only surviving, but thriving. In watching this interview you’ll see how Julia made non-native radiation avoidance a priority in her life in order to heal and build resilience against this modern day type of poisoning.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-zSPBnbWE8 (48 min.)
2) Environmental Health Trust:
“Investigate Europe is a team of journalists from 11 countries working together to cross-check facts and investigate transnational structures. They released a must read investigation on the telecom industry’s rollout of 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) across Europe
The investigators found that science which is funded by industry, like that sanctioned by ICNIRP, is less likely to find health risks than studies paid for by institutions or authorities
“A growing body of science that warns of health risks from long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation by mobile technology. There is almost no research on the effects of the higher frequencies needed for 5G.”
Below is just one of the many articles Investigate Europe has written. I will provide links to more in subsequent updates. Getting info out about ICNIRP is vital and this article is a great one to share to explain why Health Canada and FCC, for example, are maintaining guidelines that are far from being protective — they accept ICNIRP’s decisions.
(click on photo to enlarge)

How much is safe?
“Curiously, one group of scientists dominates the entities that are to provide professional advice on radiation risk. This means research by others fall under the radar of politicians who must use science to make laws and regulations….
ICNIRP is a particularly influential group, as it not only evaluates radiation and health risk research, but also provides guidelines for radiation safety limits that most countries use. It is a private, German-registered organisation located outside Munich, behind a yellow door on the premises of the German Federal office for radiation protection. Decisions on who to invite in, are taken by ICNIRP itself.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” Stephen Hawking
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.