1) A member who is always finding really important information provided this Long list in UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (such as EHS).
If the items listed farther below aren’t clickable, the clickable list is at: https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities-2.html
(click on photos to enlarge)

[fyi: https://social.desa.un.org/issues/disability ]
“The UN Programme on Disability/Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SCRPD) falls within the Division for Social Inclusive Social Development (DISD) https://social.desa.un.org/ of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) https://www.un.org/en/desa
Mission Statement:
“Our global mission is to promote the rights and advancement of persons with disabilities within a broad mandate provided by the World Programme of Action (1982)
Standard Rules On The Equalization Of Opportunities For Persons With Disabilities (1994)
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)
https://social.desa.un.org/issues/disability/cosp as well as other relevant human rights and development instruments .”
And on another of that Department’s pages there’s this:
Chapter Five: National legislation and the Convention – Incorporating the Convention into domestic law
Section 15 of the 1982 Canadian Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms provides: “Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.”
2) I finally had the time to listen to the video that I mentioned in an update a couple of nights ago [2) – https://citizensforsafertech.ca/2023-10-25-faults-found-in-5g-infrastructure/]. It includes a great description of the fiber optic network in Chattanooga, TN which has been in use for more than 10 years. This city has eliminated or greatly reduced electrical problems and costs due to outages, has reduced costs of electricity and internet for consumers, and has brought many new jobs into the city. A great success story based on fiber optic cable that should be shared with City Councils.
This is the future — it’s safer, more reliable, cheaper and far more efficient. And, BTW, smeters are connected to the FOC instead of being wireless. Their network provides fiber to and through homes and businesses. The Chattanoonga information is given from about the 30 min point and is about 20 min. long.
Gig City Goes Quantum: The Amazing Chattanooga, TN Fiber Network Success Story!
A Broadband Blueprint for NYC and for Cities across the U.S.
https://thenationalcall.org/resources/ (video 1:49 hr.)

Re. Rogers cell tower application on Hornby Island, BC
From: William Thomas <willsenior@protonmail.com> (shared as per his request)
Date: On Thursday, October 26th, 2023 at 5:52 PM
Hello Everyone,
Be advised that the Trust is scrambling to deny you further voice regarding the Rogers cell tower application. By not including the Rogers proposal on their upcoming agenda, Staff was able to formally deny Gary’s request to head a CRHI delegation at the next LTC meeting.
And when might that be, you ask?
In an overnight development, after announcing that the Nov. 3 Hornby LTC meeting has been mysteriously “postponed”, Staff has just informed several discerning readers (via an ad in the Tribune flyer) that it has been moved to December.
Moreover, in their desire to avoid another face-to-face debacle — such as that which occurred at the Sept. 9 LTC confab — Staff has decreed that this delayed “public meeting” will be via Zoom only.
I have today asked CRHI’s lawyer (who is an expert on the Trust) for legal advice on:
1. Whether tower concurrence can be approved outside of a live public forum.
2. Does the Islands Trust Act allow Zoom calls inaccessible to many Hornby residents to be substituted for required public meetings.
Whether you are in favour of a 213-foot (+ 20% higher) telecommunications tower festooned with 8-12 antennas permanently disfiguring Hornby’s revenue-earning viewscape — or not — the Island Trust Corporation’s unceasing efforts at subverting our democratic process to “preserve and protect” corporate interests, deserves your outrage.
This process is not just broken. It is being trashed as I write. After CRHI members caught the Trust censoring the video record of that pivotal Sept. 9 meeting, with this latest travesty we are waaay past desiring an 11-month-delayed public information meeting “check box” for Rogers to tick during winter holidays, in order to be in “compliance” with OCP and federal requirements.
We need to push back strongly in a loud unified voice. In other words…
It’s your turn to act.
Please take a moment to tell the Trust planners responsible for 16-months of election meddling, deception, disruption and delays that their continuing bad faith is unacceptable, And will no longer be tolerated.
The Trust has forfeited our trust! After twice slapping down Trustee Alex Allen for firstly, attempting to slow a fast-tracked public “process” and secondly, call for a vote of nonconcurrence (both of which our lawyer declares exceeded Staff’s permitted actions) — aren’t you done with outside interference in our local government and community? The corporate-biased planners on Gabriola have nothing at stake on Hornby Island. We do. And we are not alone in our grievances.
Acting together to return a fair, transparent, democratic process to our island, we need to make three strong demands right now, that:
1. The Dec. LTC meeting and all subsequent bi-monthly venues be held in a live public forum, with optional Zoom coverage for those who prefer it.
2. The Rogers tower application be thrown out for Brian Gregg’s underhanded dealings, along with the Islands Trust’s active complicity — fully exposed in their own emails, obtained under a Freedom of Information Act filing by the CRHI.
3. A moratorium be placed immediately on all further cell tower applications here until the stricter Hornby Model Antenna siting Strategy — quietly scrapped by ex-planner Heather Kauer through a sleigh-of-hand switcheroo at the Sept. 8, 2022 LTC (after four years’ work) — be further revised and adopted to prohibit cell towers on Hornby Island.
On an island currently served by Starlink and soon, high-speed, fibre-optic cable, we neither want nor need Rogers’ gateway drug to their “strategic vision” of Canada-wide 5G saturation. The last video clip I viewed of flocks of dead birds covering sidewalks in Bern after 5G activation nearly made me vomit.
(OK I admit my bias. I really like birds. Plus, they’re kind of important. So are bees. I’ve seen those disgusting 5G-bee-slaughter videos, too.)
We all need to understand that telecommunications towers are not just about more convenient distractions, surveillance, profiling, data profiteering and tracking. 5G is anti-life. Just like the WEF. Could there possibly be a connection?
Here’s your opportunity to join a worldwide uprising for our human rights. You can act globally by making a difference locally.
Thank you for your time and attention. And for taking immediate action through the addresses below to keep a predatory corporation and its powerful microwave and 5G transmitters away from Hornby. And bring the Islands Trust Corporation back to serving every living creature in their jurisdiction.
Please distribute this email widely through the islands.
In Service,
Will Thomas
In your own words, please contact:
Trust Planner <northinfo@islandstrust.bc.ca>,
Tim Peterson <tpeterson@islandstrust.bc.ca>,
Grant Scott <gscott@islandstrust.bc.ca>,
Alex Allen <aallen@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.” Henry David Thoreau
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.