1) On Sunday, on HBO John Oliver’s main subject was “Consultants”, companies that make huge sums by making their clients credible, even if the clients know their products are dangerous. He didn’t mention Exponent, the “product defense” company hired by BC utilities to tell people that smeters’ radiation is less than that emitted by your partner as you sleep in bed, but the one he did target sounded very similar.
Exponent and Gradient are two “consulting” firms that have defended products ranging from pesticides, tobacco, and Agent Orange to microwave radiation. These companies defend the indefensible and make huge profits by doing so. Here is the link to Oliver’s show, “Last Week Tonight” from Oct. 22, if you haven’t seen it already.
2) Yet another study showing more associations between cellphone use and various cancers. Please let your friends and family know that they can use a cellphone more safely by using air-tube headsets https://emfacademy.com/best-air-tube-headset/ which allow the cell phone to be kept a good distance from the user’s body.
How many more studies will it take for Health Canada, the FCC and other health agencies to take protective measures?
Mobile phone use and risks of overall and 25 site-specific cancers: a prospective study from the UK Biobank Study
“Conclusions: There was a dose-response relationship of length of mobile phone use with incident NMSC (non-melanoma skin cancer) in men and women, and prostate cancer in men. Impact: Our findings underscore the importance of limiting mobile phone use or keeping a distance from mobile phone for primary prevention of NMSC and prostate cancer.”
Additional facts from Dr. Joel Moskowitz:
“In the U.S. about 3.3 million men and women are diagnosed each year with nonmelanoma skin cancer (https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/basal-and-squamous-cell-skin-cancer/about/key-statistics.html), and about 280,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer (https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/prost.html). Thus, even a small increased risk from cell phone use may contribute to many preventable cancers.”
3) Patrica Burke wonders if someone could be forced to leave “Bachelor in Paradise” because her bowels are reacting to wireless radiation.
(click on photo to enlarge)

EMF/RF/5G and Healthy Bowels in Paradise
“Advertisements for ABC’s popular show “Bachelor in Paradise” are teasing viewers with a subplot about one woman who apparently has not been able to have a bowel movement for 9 days…
In order to provide audio to the audience, the men and women are wearing wireless transmitters on their bodies, many at the base of the spine.
What we may be witnessing is one very healthy young individual whose body has reacted to exposure to non-natural, manmade artificial microwave radiofrequencies with an apparent armored organ system freeze response.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” Winston Churchill
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.