1. This attempt by the WHO to interfere with and control many aspects of our health and privacy is dystopian to say the least. It has been progressing quietly but thanks to Magda Havas we now can begin to alert others about it.
“Important video about WHO global “control” regarding health, communication, medical mandates, etc.
WHO pandemic treaty danger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCoFLhDKlA4 (17 min.)
Violation of informed consent and degradation of democracy globally.
Please share especially with your Federal Representatives. This needs to be stopped before it is too late.
I know there is so much bad news right now and we don’t need any more but this is very important for those who don’t want the WHO to provide non-binding regulations that are forced on citizens and their governments. We can choose to ignore this information and, if we do, we will suffer the consequences. PLEASE take a few minutes to watch this video that appeared on Dr. John Campbell’s youtube channel. If you agree with the message, PLEASE contact your federal representatives and share the information and your views. We have the power to stop this … but only if we act now.”
Dr. Magda Havas
– https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search
2) Webinar Tuesday with scientists and other experts discussing 5G technology’s effect on health and millimeter wave roll-out which is planned to be happening very soon.
Join us and view the 5G Exposé streamed on 17th October here:
CHD Europe – CHD TV – UKColumn
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1-3:30 EDT, 10-12:30 PDT
An amazing array of scientists and experts gather to share their knowledge and help you get informed!
Live stream link:
3) Below in Letters is an update from Dr. Marc Arazi about the efforts to have Apple held responsible for allowing a cell phone with radiation emissions that exceed SAR limits in France to be used for years. Realize that this same phone, and many others, are still being used in Canada with no warning to customers. The press has been amazingly silent in North America about the discoveries of neglect that we’ve found in Canada and that Phonegate found in France. Please consider signing the petition presented below in Letters.
In the document published by The Defender, Dr. Davis warns that the tests of phones understate the RF levels drastically because the phones are held at least 5mm from the phantom body. Dr. Om Gandhi found that for each millimeter in distance, the RF level is reduced by as much as 30%. Dr. Davis uses 15% as an example, but from what Dr. Gandhi told me, she is being “generous”.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Dear Supporter,
We just launched a petition supported by some forty international organizations to ask Apple to withdraw and compensate the millions of iPhone12 users. The update is a sham that will further degrade the phone’s performance. Users will suffer double penalty after being deceived and overexposed. We’re counting on you to sign and spread the word.
The petition has been translated into English. German and Greek versions will soon be available. If you can help translate it into other languages, we’d really appreciate it!
Dr Arazi recently gave an interview to The Defender (CHD) in which he summed up the situation clearly.
There are still a few days left until October 18 to download Dr Arazi’s free ebook in English. More than a thousand have already done so.This should enable a better understanding of this global scandal, the extent of which we are only just beginning to grasp. The ebook can be downloaded via this link.
Thank you for helping us spread this message as widely as possible.
The Phonegate Alert Team
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” Golda Meir
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.