1) A tribute to someone who knew, and cared about, the truth long before many knew the problem existed, and fought his entire life to educate others — by Dr. Louis Slesin.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Paul Brodeur: The Original Microwave Pioneer
Setting the Record Straight
“After Paul Brodeur died in August, he was praised by the Washington Post and others for his investigative reporting on asbestos. His work on microwaves and power lines, on the other hand, was sharply criticized: He was accused of being alarmist and conspiratorial.
I have written a personal tribute to Brodeur in the hope of setting the record straight. It’s a long read. If you stick with it, you’ll see that Brodeur got the facts right.
Electromagnetic radiation can do more than simple heating. This has been known —but denied— for decades. As for links to cancer, they have grown stronger over the years.
And yes, he was a right about a cover-up. It continues today.”
Please read about this amazing man.
2) Several videos and documents freely available and ready for sharing, including all of the videos from the 2021 EMF Medical Conference.
The Electromagnetic Safety Alliance: Making the Invisible Visible
“The Electromagnetic Safety Alliance’s mission is education, information and advocacy on the human health and environmental impacts of electromagnetic fields.”
3) Word about cell phones, and the failure of health agencies to regulate them, is spreading. Health Canada and ISED are still attempting to deny that there is any problem, and delay/prevent information pertaining to cell phone radiation from getting to the public.
Please see a series of emails below in Letters. I am still fighting to get more information.
US Cellphone Radiation Tests Are ‘Rigged,’ Ignoring Long-Term Health Effects: Expert
“Ms. (should be Dr.) Davis said if phones underwent drug testing, they’d be illegal. She warned of the danger cellphones pose, similar to certain drugs found to cause cancer and other health problems, in her 2010 book, “Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family,” and stands by it today.”
Please read from the bottom: I have submitted yet another Access to Information request to get more info about phones tested by ISED. They are inconsistent with information — much of which is incorrect, misleading or just untrue. ISED has said that, like France, Canada tests all cellphones before they are allowed to be sold. But in 5 years they tested only 90 models. When I asked about this, I was told they test randomly. I believe their last statement — and random testing is not good enough when dealing with a potentially harmful device.

From: “Sharon Noble”
To: “Maria Perocchio, ISED/ISDE” <maria.perocchio@ised-isde.gc.ca>
Cc: “Certification Bureau, Bureau homologation (IC)” <certificationbureau-bureauhomologation@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “Martin Proulx, IC” <martin.proulx@canada.ca>, “The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, MP, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry” <ministerofisi-ministredeisi@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “Chris Parsons, ISED/ISDE” <Chris.Parsons@ised-isde.gc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 5:47:53 PM
Subject: Re: Apple iPhone banned in France – (ATI File A-2023-00363)
Thank you, Maria. I appreciate your responding so quickly.
I also appreciate the consideration for processing this information more quickly than the rest. This is information, just as the other testing data, that should be readily available. I do not understand why a third party, e.g. Apple, should have the right to approve or deny my having it. If phones are tested to ensure public safety, the results should be available online, for all to see when they are considering purchasing a cellphone or other wireless device. If telecom companies believe their products are safe, why not provide this information on labels — and not hide it in legal mumbo-jumbo in manuals?
I realize this isn’t your policy or decision, but hopefully someone cc’d will have that authority and realizes that I am extremely concerned about the safety of RF emitting devices and the lack of education/correct information that is shared with customers.
= = =
From: “Maria Perocchio, ISED/ISDE” <maria.perocchio@ised-isde.gc.ca>
To: “Sharon Noble”
Cc: “Certification Bureau, Bureau homologation (IC)” <certificationbureau-bureauhomologation@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “Martin Proulx, IC” <martin.proulx@canada.ca>, “The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, MP, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry” <ministerofisi-ministredeisi@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “Chris Parsons, ISED/ISDE” <Chris.Parsons@ised-isde.gc.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:48:21 AM
Subject: RE: Apple iPhone banned in France – (ATI File A-2023-00363)
Good morning Sharon,
Thank you for your email. We are still in the process of retrieving the records for your request submitted on September 5, 2023. However once these records are obtained we will, as an exception, prioritize the Apple consultation and provide you with an interim release of those records upon completion the consultation process.
We cannot give a concrete date for when this will be completed as it is dependent on how long the third party takes to provide us with their response. However, we encourage you to continue to follow up with us periodically for updates.
Maria Perocchio
Tel: 343-573-2892
= = =
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: October 5, 2023 2:46 PM
To: Certification Bureau / Bureau homologation (IC) <certificationbureau-bureauhomologation@ised-isde.gc.ca>; Martin Proulx, IC <martin.proulx@canada.ca>; Perocchio, Maria (ISED/ISDE) <maria.perocchio@ised-isde.gc.ca>; Rusenstrom, Sashsha (ISED/ISDE) <sashsha.rusenstrom@ised-isde.gc.ca>; Martel, Narine (HC/SC) <narine.martel@hc-sc.gc.ca>
Cc: Minister Champagne / Ministre Champagne (IC) <ministerofisi-ministredeisi@ised-isde.gc.ca>; ccrpb / pcrpcc (HC/SC) <ccrpb-pcrpcc@hc-sc.gc.ca>; Dr Marc Arazi <drarazi@phonegatealert.org>
Subject: Re: Apple iPhone banned in France
Dear Sirs and Madams,
In response to my request of Sept. 13 (below) for the testing data for the Apple iPhone 12 I was told that the information would be provided as part of my earlier Access for Information request.
Yesterday I received notification that ISED has asked for an extension of 320 days beyond the 30 days to respond to my request due to the large number of records and third parties involved.
Due to this delay, I am asking once again for the records pertaining to the testing of the Apple iPhone12 alone.
I look forward to receiving this complete file.
Sharon Noble
= = =
From: “Certification Bureau, Bureau homologation (IC)” <certificationbureau-bureauhomologation@ised-isde.gc.ca>
To: “Sharon Noble”
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 2:01:44 PM
Subject: RE: Apple iPhone banned in France
Dear Ms. Noble,
Thank you for your inquiry relating to the announcement released on September 12, 2023 by the French regulator Agence nationale des fréquences (ANFR) concerning Apple’s iPhone 12.
Canada’s standards for cellphone safety are some of the toughest in the world. Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 sets out radiofrequency human exposure limits. These stringent limits are set far below the threshold for all known established adverse health effects and provide protection for all age groups, including children, on a continuous basis (24 hours per day, seven days per week). If anyone – including a small child – were to be exposed to radiofrequency energy from multiple sources within the Safety Code 6 limits 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, they would still be well below the threshold for adverse health effects.
Similar to ANFR, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) conducts market surveillance by testing wireless products to verify continued compliance with applicable Health Canada Safety Code 6 limits.
Through routine market surveillance activities, ISED carried out an audit of the Apple iPhone 12, procured from the marketplace (off the shelf), in February 2023. Results obtained through the course of this audit were found to comply with applicable radiofrequency exposure limits. The operational parameters such as frequency and power of a smartphone such as the iPhone 12 can vary from one country to another. As such, a product failing to comply with French requirements does not automatically yield a non-compliant result in Canada.
Following the position taken by France regarding the iPhone 12, ISED is taking additional measures to reaffirm the continued compliance of this product. Should the government become aware of a device where the exposure levels exceed safety limits in Canada, the government will take immediate action to protect Canadians.
Thank you for your inquiry concerning requirements for wireless product packaging. ISED reviews its requirements on an ongoing basis and carefully considers feedback from stakeholders.
Please note that information pertaining to the audit conducted on the above-mentioned device will be captured in the Access to Information Request A-2023-00363 submitted on September 5, 2023 which is currently being processed: “Provide detailed audit information for the 8 mobile phones that were sent for Health Impact Assessments that were not captured in file A-2020-00915, in addition to all other mobile phones tested after November 3, 2020 to today’s date (September 1, 2023) with test results to determine if the radiofrequency radiation emitted is within Safety Code 6 limits. I would like the following information: Year test was conducted, manufacturer of device, model of device, IC number, Max SAR for both head and body separation, Limit, Averaging Mass, Measurement Distance for ISED testing, Manufacturer’s Measurement Distance, Assessment type, Sample Source, Compliance and Steps taken for non compliant devices”. Any questions regarding this access request should be directed to the Access to Information and Privacy Services Office at ic.atip-aiprpa.ic@ised-isde.gc.ca.
Thank you,
Certification & Engineering Bureau,
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada / Government of Canada
Home – Certification and Engineering Bureau
= = =
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: September 13, 2023 5:18 PM
To: martin.proulx@canada.ca; Certification Bureau / Bureau homologation (IC) <certificationbureau-bureauhomologation@ised-isde.gc.ca>; Perocchio, Maria (ISED/ISDE) <maria.perocchio@ised-isde.gc.ca>; Rusenstrom, Sashsha (ISED/ISDE) <sashsha.rusenstrom@ised-isde.gc.ca>; Martel, Narine (HC/SC) <narine.martel@hc-sc.gc.ca>
Cc: Minister Champagne / Ministre Champagne (IC) <ministerofisi-ministredeisi@ised-isde.gc.ca>; ccrpb / pcrpcc (HC/SC) <ccrpb-pcrpcc@hc-sc.gc.ca>; Dr Marc Arazi <drarazi@phonegatealert.org>
Subject: Apple iPhone banned in France
Dear Sirs and Madams,
Yesterday France’s equivalent to ISED (ANFR) announced that sales of Apple’s iPhone 12 was banned until/unless it implemented changes that would reduce the level of microwave radiation to that required by ANFR’s standards.
France’s allowed SAR levels are higher than Canada’s, making it less protective. If France’s SAR limits are exceeded, then Canada’s Safety Code 6’s SARs are exceeded to an even greater degree.
The iPhone 12 has been sold in Canada since 2020 yet it was not tested by ISED before it went on the market. I know this because it was not included in the report ISED provided to me. This means that Canadians, many of whom are children, have been using a phone that is non-compliant with Health Canada’s standard.
Could you please tell me if this phone has been tested since 2020? If so, was the phone taken from the shelf or provided by Apple directly. Please provide the SAR level and the distance at which it was tested. If it has not been tested, what actions does ISED intend to take given this new information?
Please note that in 2020 “France widened regulations requiring retailers to display the radiation value of products on packaging beyond cell phones, including tablets and other electronic devices.” That means that all wireless products’ SARs are made known to customers, allowing them to make educated decisions before buying a potentially harmful device. Would ISED consider requiring that similar information be made available to Canadians in a format that is readily available?
I look forward to your response.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.