2023-10-10 Ban on Apple iPhone12 lifted in France

1) A very provocative thought that the concern about the EBS could have been “planted”, to discredit truly valid ones.

Unmasking the Perils of Everyday Life: Beyong the EBS Hype

“In a rather anticipated turn of events, those who prophesied the possibility of an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) activation on October 4th, with an upcoming encore on October 11th, painted a bleak picture akin to a potential zombie apocalypse.

This narrative, however, appears to be a strategic move aimed not only at discrediting anti-vaxxers but also those who harbor concerns regarding electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Now that the October 4th date has come and gone, it seems that mainstream media outlets are brimming with material to exploit.”

https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/unmasking-the-perils-of-everyday   (includes an excellent 13 min. audio/video)

2) After performing a “software” update on the iPhone 12, the ban on the sale of this cellphone was lifted. No significant penalty for having a phone emitting excessive radiation being used and sold for years. ISED told me that this phone is compliant with tests done here. Users are led to believe that this means the phones are safe.

The fact is that testing of phones is a farce. In Canada, ISED allows phones to be held at least 15 mm away from the body. As in France, the SAR level is higher for tests done at the “limb”, more than double in Canada. Most people seem to carry their phones in their rear or front pockets, much closer to very vital and sensitive parts of the body. As you can see, I signed on behalf of Citizens for Safer Tech.

APPLE must withdraw its iPhone 12 from the entire European market

The NGO Phonegate Alert and the first signatory organizations ask the national and European authorities to withdraw the iPhone 12 everywhere in Europe and that the current owners be compensated by Apple.

More than three years after its launch on the European market, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) announced that Apple’s iPhone 12 5G (model A2403) exceeded the authorized limit of the specific absorption rate (SAR) by more than 40% (5.74 W/kg instead of 4 W/kg) and requested its temporary ban.”

APPLE must withdraw its iPhone 12 from the entire European market


3) Katie Singer continues to ask questions about waste and use of critical materials. In this she asks, “How/can we educate ourselves to think globally, locally and personally about energy use and technology?”

(click on photo to enlarge)

The world of opportunity in a utility bill

“The more data transmitted and stored, the more energy required. Since one second of video can contain 30 to 60 still images, streaming a video takes much more energy than downloading a photo, which requires more data (and therefore more energy) than transmitting voice, which takes more data and energy than text. One hundred text-only reports make up less than 9 megabytes (MBs) of data. One eight-minute video can take 30 MBs….

3G uses 15 times more energy than wired access. 4G consumes 23 times more energy than wired access. (Corcoran-2012; Huang-2013) Miguel Coma has written that 5G might be wonderful for private networks within a factory, say; but it’s unnecessary for public networks….

How/can we educate ourselves to think globally, locally and personally about energy use and technology?”



Sharon Noble,  Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.”     Henry David Thoreau

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation