1) Until cellphones are tested the way they are used, e.g. next to the body, any RF test results are meaningless. In France, the tests done were as if the phone was in a pocket on a thigh. For some reason, the SAR for that part of the body is 4.0 W/kg (vs. 2.0 in France and 1.6 in Canada). Most people that I see carry phones in pockets close to very vulnerable parts of the body. Also, the test was done with the phone 5 mm from the body.
Apple’s iPhone radiation problem can’t be fixed by a software update!
“Now Apple claims to have fixed the iPhone 12 radiation issue with a software update. However we know that the health risks posed by cell phone radiation remain. We also know that the cell phone radiation test systems are antiquated and need to be updated to reflect how people use devices today.”
2) An excellent article by Patricia Burke.
(click on photos to enlarge)
5G Telecommunications Safety and Needing to Have (Real) Skin in the Game
“Fast forward to 2023, and the proclaimed safety of the 5G telecommunications network has become entangled with claims about skin, with consumers assuming that if a product is in the marketplace, it has been adequately safety tested.
Specifically, the industry claim that “5G is safe because it only penetrates the skin,” implies that the skin is not a part of an interconnected, intelligent, energetic field that continuously communicates with and alchemizes with the natural electromagnetic rhythms of the cosmos. (This includes, for example, the body’s nutritional adjustments to the change of seasons.)…
“The Pulse, the Electronic Age and Radiation: Early Detection” proposed that radiofrequency microwave radiation from wireless technologies was causing imbalances, not in the skin, but in the functioning of – and to the interrelationships between – the deep internal organs.”
Here is the article from which excerpts were quoted. It is short, only 5 pages, and discusses how Chinese medicine can diagnose and help reduce effects of “radiation poisioning”.
The Pulse, the Electronic Age and Radiation: Early Detection
“Our findings indicate that radiation sickness (a form of damage to organ tissue due to excessive exposure to ionizing radiation) will become endemic in an undetermined period of time with its concomitant destruction of the immune system and with the rampant disease that follows….
While environmental issues (legal control of radiating devices) are obviously beyond the scope of this paper, Chinese medical interventions are within our scope of practice.”

From a member regarding test done on Oct. 4, 2023. She wonders if anyone else suffers effects of this test. If so, please document and send to: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca These effects should be gathered and sent to authorities, but to whom??
“I’m aware there is a FEMA test in the States today, but I didn’t think there was one in Canada.
At 1:10 pm today I was on speaker phone with a friend when the radiation levels went up dramatically from behind me from the south. I’m assuming it’s from the Rogers tower 2.5 km to the south of me. I didn’t measure it though, which I wish I had now. I was extremely affected; tinnitus, eye and internal head/neck pressure/tingling, skin pressure, low oxygen, and a inability to think or focus. I literally had to wrap my arms around my head to try to block the radiation, which I never have to do. After a few of minutes it stopped, so the pressure is gone now, but I’m still not ok and am having really concerning problems with my eyes, skin, tinnitus and thinking. The top of my head feels really weird.
My friend said that it was announced yesterday that there would be a test in Canada, but again, I’m not aware of that.
I just felt I should share what happened in case anyone else felt anything or was hurt. I also want to document this and to formally complain about them increasing the cell tower radiation so as to be able to ping phones or whatever they are doing.
What happened today was injuring and not ok.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” Vince Lombardi
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.