1) Great progress is being made bringing fiber optic connections to remote coastal communities, including lighthouses and Coast Guard Stations along the BC coast.
Connected Coast Network Delivers Improved Connectivity to Remote BC Canadian Coast
“The Connected Coast Network and the Canadian Coast Guard are pleased to announce improved connectivity at Coast Guard’s remote Light Stations and Lifeboat Stations. Through collaboration and partnership, the Canadian Coast Guard, the Strathcona Regional District, and CityWest expanded the Connected Coast network to equip 16 remote stations with state-of-the-art fibre-optic connectivity….
The Connected Coast Network is bringing new or improved high-speed internet accessibility to 139 rural and remote coastal communities, including 48 Indigenous communities – representing 44 First Nations – along the BC coast from north of Prince Rupert, to Haida Gwaii, south to Vancouver, and around Vancouver Island (bringing potential benefit to 175,000 British Columbians, living in 90,000 households).”
2) Andre Fauteux summarizes some of Dr. Panagopoulos’s studies and his theories explaining why man-made EMF exposures are harmful.
Why manmade electromagnetic fields are the most damaging
From Dr. Panagopoulos: “Since 20-30% intensity variations of natural terrestrial EMFs and cell membrane electric fields induce cellular/health effects, Panagopoulos postulates that the same variations in manmade EMFs can have similar effects. This is problematic, he says, because “Wireless Communication (WC) EMFs are highly variable with unexpected changes exceeding by more than 100% their normal average intensities”.
He says the non-thermal effects of radiofrequency (RF) EMFs (from mobile telephony, Wi-Fi, cordless digital phones, etc.) are due to the fact that their carrier frequencies are combined with extremely-low and ultra-low frequencies (0-3 000 Hz) in the form of pulsing, modulation and random variability.”
(click on photo to enlarge)

Dr. Panagopoulos has shared a recent slide presentation. Of special note — slide 12 which shows ICNIRP’s allowable limits compared with the level at which health effects have been found to occur.
3) I’ve included articles about Blue light many times, but I do so again because we have a lot of new members who deserve to know this. There are health effects from blue light that are serious — including reduction of melatonin, a hormone that also is affected by exposure to EMF.
f.lux and Night Shift provide a free and easy way to reduce the blue light from the computer screen. My eyes are very sensitive so I tell the program that I live in Newfoundland which results in my screen adjusting the light earlier in the day.
Blue light emitted from screens of digital devices damages our eyes
“Digital devices such as cell or mobile phones, computers, tablets and televisions emit primarily blue light, excessive exposure to which may affect your risk of age-related macular degeneration and blindness….
Before the advent of artificial lighting, many went to bed and got up with the sun; lighting at night comes at a price as it affects health, interrupting sleep patterns, circadian rhythms and the perpetuation of animal species.
Data show blue light from digital devices activates retinal in your eye to attack macular photoreceptor cells, accelerating age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness.
Exposure to blue light also affects your ability to produce enough melatonin to achieve quality sleep, thus increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and other health problems.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Mahatma Gandhi
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.