1) Rogers is planning another tower — Williams Beach in Comox Valley (Vancouver Island). Full details are below in Letters.
Action Steps
Public Notice, Sept. 13, 2023
Public Notice Sept.20, 2023
2) The new Apple phone gets hot to the touch. I wonder about the RF levels.
(click on photos to enlarge)

iPhone 15 Pro Might Be a Little Too Hot—Literally
“The iPhone 15 Pro just launched Friday, and already there are widespread reports that overheating is a problem. The Wall Street Journal [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/iphone-15-pro-owners-complain-about-overheating-problems/ar-AA1hmOIF] reports that in its testing, the iPhone 15 Pro Max reached 106 degrees Fahrenheit while charging, and 112 degrees while charging and simultaneously running a “processor-intensive” task like a game.”
3) For several years, Verizon has been working to build several towers along a beach area where there are many endangered species which are protected by the federal and state laws. Verizon is arguing that the Telecommunications Act overrules these protective Acts. This will be an important lawsuit.
CHD Asks to Intervene in Verizon Lawsuit Against New Jersey County That Denied Telecom Giant’s Permits for 5G Towers
“Verizon sued Monmouth County after county officials on Aug. 8 denied the company’s project application, citing, among other things, that Verizon had failed to submit a correct or complete application….
“Stated simply,” McCollough said, “Verizon claims the Federal Communication Commission’s rules and Telecommunications Act of 1996 preempt much of New Jersey and federal law on threatened and endangered species.”
The lawsuit highlights the issue of what occurs when a wireless company wants to put its infrastructure right next to an endangered species’ habitat.”

From: “VISTA – Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance” <VISafeTechAlliance@proton.me>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2023 9:58:47 PM
Subject: 63 METER TOWER WILLIAMS BEACH ROAD AREA: What You Can Do – To Take Action Today!
Hi everyone,
Brian Gregg from SitePath Consulting is at it again–this time working for Rogers trying to get another cell tower erected on ALR land in the Comox Valley.
A public notice was posted in the Comox Valley Record Sept 13 + Sept 20 editions – see attachments. Note in the header it says ‘replacement tower’ but the only existing tower out there is visible off of Larkin Road, not directly on Williams Beach Road.
What You Can Do – To Take Action Today!
1. Get a Meeting Invite from Rogers’s Representative by Oct 4.
Public Meeting held on Thursday, Oct 5 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm online
Please be sure to record the meeting date and attend the meeting. Note: According to CVRD Policy P.89, meetings are supposed to be held in person.
Tower Installation Project: Projet d’installation de communication sans fil
Reference: W6699 – Williams Beach
Contact Information for Rogers’ Representative:
Brian Gregg, SitePath Consulting Ltd.
PO Box 20138, Vancouver RPO,
Fairview, BC V5Z 0C1
Phone: 778-870-1388
Email: briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com
2. Public Information Package: Everyone is able to ask for this document. If you live nearby, ensure you receive a hard copy of this! It will contain all the specifics for this proposed tower. This package is supposed to be delivered to everyone that lives within 500 meters of it, according to CVRD Policy P.89.
If you have not received this, you may want to notify the CVRD asap (as the policy isn’t being followed). You may also want to notify the proponent in writing.
3. Questions / Concerns – write to Roger’s Representative Brian Gregg (be sure to do this within the alloted time period – by end of business day on Oct 23, 2023).
It’s important to get your questions / concerns on record following their process via the representative (aka proponent), as they will be included in the representative package that they submit to the CVRD. This document will become a part of the meeting agenda attachments when it comes time for the CVRD EASC to ‘vote’ on this. Before the meeting, do check back to ensure your letters/correspondence have in fact been included. (Agenda’s usually posted on CVRD website the Friday before the EASC meeting – check their website.)
4. Concerns / Comments – write to the CVRD any concerns or comments you may have about this new proposed tower. CONTACT info noted in the ‘Resources’ file.
We need Comox Valley residents to express their opposition to the tower (if you are opposed) – or if you’re not sure – write about that, tell them you want more info or more time. The meeting is only one hour long, not sure how many questions will be able to be asked or have answered.
We aren’t sure what the status is on the other two proposed towers on ALR land – Ellenor Road (Area B) and Dove Creek (Area C). You can always ask about this also. See links within the ‘Resources’ file for some examples of Questions.
Letters – https://citizensforsafertech.ca/2023-06-09-could-emf-be-killing-racehorses/
Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2023-02-23-bent-science-toxic-chemicals-smeters/
2) & Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2023-02-08-new-group-active-on-vancouver-island/
1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2022-11-18-fighting-teluss-cell-towers-in-comox-valley/
2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2022-10-27-telus-2-new-towers-planned-comox-courtenay/]
5. Get Involved
VISTA needs support, a few more volunteers to help us educate residents that live near by. We need our small group to grow. We will likely do a petition and create an updated flyer, let us know if you can help –
email: <VISafeTechAlliance@proton.me> w/ ‘CAN HELP’ in the subject.
6. Empower Yourself – Get Informed – Refer to the VISTA Proton Drive Folder, which has been re-organized. See the ‘Resources’ file.
Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance (VISTA)
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead
Action Steps
Public Notice, Sept. 13, 2023
Public Notice Sept.20, 2023
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Things will only improve when the people – all of us – say to authorities, ‘I will hold you responsible.’ We should all be showing up at city council meetings, lighting up every community with activism and mobilization.” Erin Brockovich
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.