1) Please join Dr. Magda Havas for a ZOOM meeting to catch up, scheduled for September 27th at 1PM and 10PM Eastern Time (i.e., New York Time). — 10am and 7PM Pacific Time.
Topic: Magda Havas’ Zoom Meeting: Global EMF Network
Time: Sept. 27, 2023 @ 1:00 PM New York / Toronto
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 564 211 8329
Passcode: 2021
(click on photo to enlarge)

Find out more about Magda’s project, BRAG.
2) Non-EMF. Katie Singer’s newsletter is devoted to several topics related to corporate destruction of our environment.
Mapping Our Technosphere
– Max Wilbert on the Thacker Pass Lithium Mine & the Failure of Green Growth
– Julia Barnes on deep-sea mining
– The Seaweed Delusion
– Wonderful, Welcome News (from Brazil)
3) Kate Kheel provided these articles confirming our worst fears: 5G is spreading uncontrolled and untested, all for the sake of corporate profit — profit at any price, whether the health of all living things or that of the environment upon which life depends. Even when health is acknowledged to be threatened (see Switzerland below), economic “needs” often take priority.
The US has upwards of 50 bills to accelerate 5G:
HR 3557 “The American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023” and more than 50 other wireless-promoting bills are “flying” through the Congress. All these bills represent an assault by the wireless industry on Americans’ freedom and democracy!
Europe boasts the Gigabit Infrastructure Act:
GIA – Latest Draconian Law Proposal from the EU about 5G
“Its full name is the Gigabit Infrastructure Act. The EU strategy is now to harmonize and make connectivity easy and smooth. All should be able to enjoy their “digital rights” meaning the “right” to be online 24/7.
The law proposal aims to take responsibilities away from local authorities so they don’t need to worry about whether this is good or bad, legal or illegal, healthy or unhealthy.”
Switzerland joins the parade: (Google translation is available)
“The council left opposed the motion. The radiation is harmful and there are a lot of radiation-sensitive people, said minority spokeswoman Isabelle Pasquier-Eichenberger (Greens/GE). In addition, the needs of the population and the economy are already met, Switzerland has one of the best networks – and 5G is already part of it. The motion is unnecessary and also dangerous.
However, the Federal Council also considers the expansion of mobile technology to be important, said Federal Councilor Albert Rösti. Accordingly, the government supports the motion.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain to bring it to light.” George Washington
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.