1) Evidence is building that 5G transmitters with frequencies in the microwave range (3.5 GHz is most common in Sweden) are increasing the environmental RF levels and, being co-located with 4G transmitters, is causing severe symptoms that develop quite rapidly.
Case Study Published: 5G Health Effects To Family Living Close To 5G Cell Antennas
“In the recently published case report “5G Radiofrequency Radiation Caused the Microwave Syndrome in a Family Living Close to the Base Stations” a family of three living at distances of about 50 and 70 meters to two 5G base stations reported symptoms included in the microwave syndrome. The daughter had the most severe health issues, for example sleeping problems, headache, concentration and memory problems, skin disorders, irregular heartbeat, light sensitivity, anxiety and panic attacks.
Authors Mona Nilsson1 and Lennart Hardell published the report in the Journal of Cancer Sciences and Clinical Therapies.”
The study by Hardell and Nielsen with reports on several recent studies.
“During the first quarter of 2023, we published three case studies on health effects from exposure to RF radiation from 5G base stations [21-23]. All three studies showed that the study persons rather rapidly developed symptoms known as the microwave syndrome or microwave illness after the installation of 5G base stations close to their apartments or office….
These results are in line with previous case studies showing that deployment of 5G cannot be made without risks to human health, especially for those living or working in the proximity of the base stations.”
2) Dr. Joel Moskowitz speaks to the recent test done in France that resulted in the iPhone12 being banned. The testing reports have not been made available by ANFR (France’s equivalent to ISED) but we have been told that the Apple 12 passed the test for the SAR at the head and body with the phone being held some distance from the body. When held next to the head or body it most likely would have failed. France’s test was done to simulate the cell phone being in a pants pocket, and the area of the body where the pocket is was considered the thigh or a “limb” where the SAR level is double that of the body and head. I see many phones in the back pants/jeans pocket and that most definitely is not the thigh or limb. I think ANFR gave Apple a big break.
In the US and Canada the “limb” test is not done. There is a difference in the definition of “limb”. In Canada, the limb is defined as “Extremities distal from the shoulder and hip joints, which do not include the gonads.”
Dr. Moskowitz:
“France recently announced that the iPhone 12 failed the limb (aka extremities) SAR test which is conducted with no separation (0 mm) from the body. To pass this test a cellphone can emit up to 4.0 W/kg averaged over 10 grams of tissue in France. The iPhone 12 tested at 5.74 W/kg.
Although the U.S. has a similar requirement in the CFR due to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the FCC does not require this test be conducted to certify a cellphone. Why?
In the U.S., 47 CFR § 1.1310 which addresses radiofrequency radiation exposure limits specifies that wireless devices must comply with the following SAR values prior to authorization:
“The SAR limits for general population/uncontrolled exposure are 0.08 W/kg, as averaged over the whole body, and a peak spatial-average SAR of 1.6 W/kg, averaged over any 1 gram of tissue (defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube). Exceptions are the parts of the human body treated as extremities, such as hands, wrists, feet, ankles, and pinnae, where the peak spatial-average SAR limit is 4 W/kg, averaged over any 10 grams of tissue (defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube). Exposure may be averaged over a time period not to exceed 30 minutes to determine compliance with general population/uncontrolled SAR limits.”
3) An update from someone who went to the Open House for a proposed “experimental tower” in East Sooke, BC.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“This is a weird application. The company will not say “for competitive reasons” which type of businesses they serve.
I got the feeling that this new project leader is very determined to get the tower in East Sooke built.”
Hopefully, the approval process will not proceed until more information is provided about the type of business and the type of transmitters that will be put on the tower. As I receive more information, I will share it.
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“I think there is only one quality worse than hardness of heart and that is softness of head.” Theodore Roosevelt
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.