1) The person with the tumor carried his smartphone in a pocket where the tumour developed, often with the Wi-Fi turned off. The SIM card remains active even with the Wi-Fi disabled. People turn their Wi-Fi off to reduce exposure but apparently this isn’t enough.
Schwannoma Puzzle
Did Cell Phone in Trouser Pocket Lead to a Tumor in the Thigh?
“Three medical doctors have published a case report of a 40-year-old Italian man who developed a tumor in his thigh, near where he “habitually” kept his smartphone in a trouser pocket.
The case was published at the end of August in Radiology Case Reports, a peer-reviewed, open access journal….
Microwave News has learned of a second, similar case, as yet unpublished, also in Italy. It deals with a schwannoma that developed in a woman’s forearm, close to a pocket where she put a cell phone while doing sports for about one hour a day, every day for more than ten years….
What is not widely recognized is that the brain’s glial cells are related to Schwann cells, as explained by the NTP in its final report of its RF project:”
The study:
Minoretti P, Lahmar A, Emanuele E. Where is your smartphone? An unusual mass within the tensor fasciae latae muscle. Radiol Case Rep. 2023;18(11):3984-3987. Published 2023 Aug 31. doi:10.1016/j.radcr.2023.08.079
“We report a case of a 40-year-old Italian man presenting with an intramuscular schwannoma in his left thigh, which coincided with the area where he habitually stored his smartphone (front left trouser pocket). An ultrasound examination revealed a well-defined, encapsulated, hypoechoic lesion (41 × 15 × 28 mm) within the muscle, showing multiple small foci of vascularity on color Doppler. Elastographic analysis indicated a deformability score of 2, with some areas of stiffness. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the presence of a spindle-shaped mass in the tensor fasciae latae muscle, with varying enhancement after contrast administration. Notably, the location of the intramuscular mass closely corresponded to the placement of the phone’s SIM card. While we cannot establish a definitive causal relationship between the patient’s smartphone storage habit and the development of the intramuscular schwannoma, we speculate that the habitual storage location may have potentially acted as a risk or predisposing factor. This case underscores the need for further research on the potential health risks associated with smartphone storage habits, considering their widespread prevalence in today’s society.”
Open access paper:
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Given the tumor’s location and prior research suggesting that schwannomas may develop in areas absorbing energy from mobile phone use, we also investigated his habitual smartphone storage habits. Notably, the patient revealed that for the past decade, he consistently kept his 3-4G smartphone in his front left trouser pocket, which intriguingly aligns with the intramuscular mass’s location and the phone’s SIM card position. The patient stated that he usually kept his smartphone in his pocket for approximately 8 hours each day. During this period, the WiFi module of the phone remained deactivated, and only the SIM card was active. Consequently, all data traffic, including incoming emails, messages, social media notifications, and inbound calls, were handled solely by the SIM card while the phone was stored in his pocket.”

2) Unfortunately in BC, the decision to ban cell phones in classrooms is being left up to individual schools or even teachers. Distraction is inevitable if left to the students, but what about health? School Trustees should be held responsible for allowing children in their charge to be exposed to RF from cellphones, Wi-Fi and so many wireless devices in schoolrooms.
B.C. school bans cellphones during instructional time
“Students returning to the classroom at one Victoria-area school are facing new stricter rules over cellphone use.
Teens at Langford’s Belmont Secondary School have a choice — they can leave their phone in their bag or locker, or place it in a phone holder when they enter the classroom.
In 2019, the Ontario government enacted a province-wide ban on cellphone use in classrooms, while Quebec’s education minister is drafting a new directive to do the same.
But B.C.’s education minister says in this province, those decisions will be left to individual teachers or schools.”
Sweeping cellphone ban not incoming for B.C. classrooms
“B.C. Education Minister Rachna Singh said it will be up to schools to ban cellphones in classrooms and defended the dropping of letter grades for Grades 9 and below as close to 600,000 public school students returned to school across the province.
Singh touched on many of those issues during the question-and-answer period. She weighed in on Quebec’s recent decision to ban cell devices in most teaching environments because of their distracting effects — a directive that won’t apply to private schools and allows teachers to use cell phones for teaching purposes only.
She suggested B.C. won’t follow Quebec’s example.
“I would say that the decision needs to be made by the teachers in the classrooms, what the needs of the students are, how they can learn in a better way,” she said. “So I would definitely leave it to the teachers and the individuals to make that decision.”“
3) The news that Apple’s iPhone 12 is being banned in France made headlines across Europe, and even in North America e.g. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/french-regulators-say-iphone-12-emits-too-much-radiation-apple-must-take-it-off-market even though the inaccurate information about the lack of evidence of harm is included.
After I wrote the letter below, this article was released:
Canada to ‘reaffirm’ iPhone 12 radiation compliance after France ban
It is filled with incorrect/false information by ISED. For example:
“ISED said Canada has some of the toughest standards for cellphone safety in the world. Every device needs to pass rigorous testing and a certification process before being sold, and they are then regularly audited afterward, according to ISED.”
Over 5 years, ISED tested only 91 models of phones and the Apple iPhone12 was not one of them. In this article, ISED says it tested the phone in Feb. 2023. I bet this is the first time it was tested even though it’s been on the market since 2020.

From: “Sharon Noble”
To: “Martin Proulx, IC” <martin.proulx@canada.ca>, “Certification Bureau, Bureau homologation (IC)” <certificationbureau-bureauhomologation@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “Maria Perocchio, ISED/ISDE” <maria.perocchio@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “Sashsha Rusenstrom, ISED/ISDE” <sashsha.rusenstrom@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “Narine Martel, HC/SC” <narine.martel@hc-sc.gc.ca>
Cc: “The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, MP, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry” <ministerofisi-ministredeisi@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “ccrpb / pcrpcc (HC/SC)” <ccrpb-pcrpcc@hc-sc.gc.ca>, “Dr Marc Arazi” <drarazi@phonegatealert.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:18:24 PM
Subject: Apple iPhone banned in France
Dear Sirs and Madams,
Yesterday France’s equivalent to ISED (ANFR) announced that sales of Apple’s iPhone 12 was banned until/unless it implemented changes that would reduce the level of microwave radiation to that required by ANFR’s standards.
France’s allowed SAR levels are higher than Canada’s, making it less protective. If France’s SAR limits are exceeded, then Canada’s Safety Code 6’s SARs are exceeded to an even greater degree.
The iPhone 12 has been sold in Canada since 2020 yet it was not tested by ISED before it went on the market. I know this because it was not included in the report ISED provided to me. This means that Canadians, many of whom are children, have been using a phone that is non-compliant with Health Canada’s standard.
Could you please tell me if this phone has been tested since 2020? If so, was the phone taken from the shelf or provided by Apple directly. Please provide the SAR level and the distance at which it was tested. If it has not been tested, what actions does ISED intend to take given this new information?
Please note that in 2020 “France widened regulations requiring retailers to display the radiation value of products on packaging beyond cell phones, including tablets and other electronic devices.” That means that all wireless products’ SARs are made known to customers, allowing them to make educated decisions before buying a potentially harmful device. Would ISED consider requiring that similar information be made available to Canadians in a format that is readily available?
I look forward to your response.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Profit is sweet, even if it comes from deception.” Sophocles
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.