1) A member did some amazing digging re. the “experimental” tower in East Sooke about which there will be a public meeting:
Public Open House to hear local experts discuss health, safety impacts
Wednesday, Sept. 13, 5:30-7:30 pm
East Sooke Community Hall
See 3) – https://citizensforsafertech.ca/2023-09-11-experimental-tower-application-east-sooke/
Full details of what she found are below in “Letters”. I hope many people will attend and ask lots of questions — and share the answers with citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Experimental tower” on the subject line.
2) The EU is responding to Phonegate’s revelations about cellphones emitting illegal levels of radiation, finally, after many years of hard and persistent work by Dr. Marc Arazi and his team. Meanwhile ISED and Health Canada do nothing.
The European Commission confirms Phonegate Alert’s call to withdraw dangerous cell phones
“The Phonegate Alert’s allegations, as well as the 2016 study[1] carried out by the French agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), are a matter of concern. Indeed, mobile phones which do not comply with the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)[2] shall not be placed on the EU market”
3) This, no doubt, was the result of Phonegate’s work. This phone was not on the ISED report that I received but I would expect that it would exceed SC 6 because France’s allowable limit is higher (2.0 Wkg) than Health Canada’s (1.6 w/kg). I will ask how Health Canada and ISED intend to respond. I suspect they will do nothing because despite there being many phones that exceed SC 6’s limit, there have been no warning, no recall, and no real oversight.
(click on photos to enlarge)
French watchdog halts iPhone 12 sales over too-high radiation – minister
“PARIS, Sept 12 (Reuters) – Apple must stop selling its iPhone 12 model in France due to above-threshold radiation levels, France’s junior minister for the digital economy told newspaper Le Parisien in an interview published on Tuesday.
France’s radiation watchdog ANFR notified Apple of its decision to ban iPhone 12 sales after it had carried out tests which showed the smartphone’s Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) was slightly higher than legally allowed, Jean-Noel Barrot told the paper.”

Re: East Sooke “experimental tower”
“The applicant does not have a company name, a website, or any known telecommunication expertise, but only a registration number 129156 BC ULC.
In the ISED Spectrum Management Database, the licensee name is ” 129156 BC Unlimited Liability Company” and the licensee address is ” 700 W. George St. Suite 2200,Vancouver,BC,V7Y 1K8,” which is a law office of Miller and Thomson. (One of the directors and part owners of the company, Logan Wayne, works out of the Calgary office of Miller and Thomson as an intellectual property specialist.)
And no matter how often people ask, no information is provided as to which other investors or companies are involved in this project and who benefits from this infrastructure. At the last CRD board meeting, it was clearly stated that there is no benefit to local residents nor the wider region of the CRD. For some strange reason, the CRD directors wanted to learn more about this projects even though there seems to be no benefit for the region.
According to the Business Registration Center BC, BC ULC “is a type of entity useful primarily for U.S. corporations with operations in Canada” because it offers “special financial” arrangements. https://brcbc.ca/product/bc-ulc
Also, on the four pages of the developmental application filed with the CRD and shared with the public (as shown in the CRD 17 JAN 2023 Agenda package), the name of the applicant is given with “Global Transport Network.” And the latest invitation to the information session in East Sooke boasts the name “Greenwave Radio.”
This company has operated similar radio towers in Essex County, Ontario, since May 2022. In Ontario, the towers are located in an industrial area.
The Safety Code 6 compliance report was not shared by the CRD, the ISED office, nor the company itself. According to the consultant of Core One Consulting, who responded to letters of local residents, stated that the radio tower will feature 3 antennas: 2 in the 5 to 30 MHz range and 1 microwave dish in the 10.7 to 22.7 GHz range. (Most RF meters do not detect these frequency bands.)

So far, the company has applied for an experimental license, but they plan on having a permanent radio tower there. Once built, this power will stay. The Safety Code 6 exposure limits in this low MHz range (2,000,000 µW/m2) are lower than exposure limits for cell networks (LTE about 5,000,000 µW/m2) because the human body absorbs RF radiation in this low MHz range especially well.
This is the antenna, the company plans on using:
It seems to be a directional antenna, which can be rotated if set up for it.
The modulation type is given as LMR (land mobile radio) Digital.
This technology is often used for two-way radios in the public safety sector and also mission critical industrial and commercial applications.
The 10 GHz transmitter seems to be a microwave dish that will most likely have a very focussed main beam in line of sight to another microwave dish.
The question, of course, is what the anticipated RF exposure level will be in the initial stage and what it will be once it becomes a permanent transmitter.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.