For those using Shaw, the problem seems to have been fixed. I am once again able to send emails and updates to those addresses. Thanks to all who contacted Shaw about this.

1) There are 3 video sessions from this very interesting webinar that occurred at early hours here in North America. 2 of them are about an hour long and the 3rd is about 40 min. The consensus of these experts is that the evidence is sound that EMF is dangerous, current guidelines are useless and federal agencies are not doing their jobs. One quote from Dr. John Frank:
“In Britain, the U.K., the U.S. and in Canada, my homeland, at least, the federal agency capture by vested interests has gone much further to subvert the local planning process in deciding on the siting of transmission masts. These vested interests legislatively preempt local planning groups from even considering health environmental health concerns at the local level by alleging that this can only be handled by experts at the federal level.“
(click on photos to enlarge)
WEBINAR – JUNE 14, 2023
Please note that the web pages can be translated into many languages. See the language selector at the top left side of the home page. The recordings are divided into three parts. Underneath each part are the highlights of each presentation.
2) An opinion piece about the negative effects cell phones in classrooms have on students, teachers, and education. Emotional, mental and physical health damages are real — too bad that the writer did not include anything about the dangers posed by microwave radiation. But so long as time with cellphones is reduced and the level of RF in the school is reduced, the reason should be celebrated.
3) Someone in Nanaimo reported seeing some purple street lights. This is happening in many places where defective LED bulbs have been installed. Here are a few articles about LED lights, including some about purple ones. Color is not the only problem with LEDs.

A very sad story from the US, but I’m sure there are similar situations elsewhere, including British Columbia.
In 2013, when the opt-out option was offered to those who still had their analog meters, there were more than 100,000 households holding out. But when the extortive opt-out fee of $32.40 per month was instituted, many could not afford to pay the highest opt-out fee in North America [] and had to accept a smeter against their will. Many of these people were advised by their doctors to not have such a radiation-emitting device on their homes and many others were sensitive to EMF, but that didn’t matter. We tried, via lawsuits, to get BC Hydro to allow these people to keep their analogs, but corporations have deeper pockets than the Coalition did.
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.