1) For those who missed watching this very interesting interview live, Cece was kind enough to provide this video. It really is a good one to share widely.
“Safety” Tests: Not Safe
“On this episode of Tech Safe, host Cece Doucette interviews telecom industry insider Rinat Strahlhofer, Founder and Co-Creator of ‘We are Not SAM’. Listen to Renat’s story of how she discovered wireless is harmful and was never biologically safety tested.
She walked away from a lucrative telecom marketing career and has created a public safety campaign that aims to bring awareness to harmful practices, and advocate for safer use of technology for future generations. Thank you, Renat!”
https://www.wccatv.com/video/tech-safe/tech-safe-15 (28 min.)
2) An article by Dr. Ronald Kostoff:
“This Op-ed addressed implant-related issues relative to electromagnetic field (mainly RF) exposure. There are two major types of implants covered by the retrieved articles for this Op-ed showing adverse effects: active implants that produced electrical signals mainly for controlling heart irregularities (e.g., pacemakers, defibrillators) and hearing deficiencies (e.g., cochlear implants), and passive metallic implants for structural support (e.g., dental implants, bone pins, plates, etc.). Additionally, there are articles addressing adverse effects from wireless radiation in the vicinity of metallic appendages (e.g., metallic eyeglasses, metallic jewelry, etc.).”
Adverse Impacts of Wireless Radiation on Medical and Non-Medical Implants
3) Another province attempting to eliminate cellphones from schoolrooms. According to this article, the ban that was implemented in Ontario in 2019 is not working. Hopefully, Quebec will learn how to enforce this ban from Ontario’s difficulties.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Quebec to ban cellphones in elementary and high school classrooms
“It’s the final bell for cellphones in Quebec classrooms as the province’s education minister plans to ban the devices in most teaching settings, calling them a distraction for students.
Bernard Drainville said Wednesday he intends to bring the issue before the provincial cabinet, with a directive going out to schools “as quickly as possible” thereafter. It would then be up to the schools themselves to enforce the rule, the minister explained….
… teachers wanted to reduce distractions in the classroom and were increasingly concerned about being filmed without their knowledge.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Things will only improve when the people – all of us – say to authorities, ‘I will hold you responsible.’ We should all be showing up at city council meetings, lighting up every community with activism and mobilization.” Erin Brockovich
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.