There was no update last night due to a technical glitch. Apologies.
1) This paper was shared in an update last week, but I thought the comments by Dr. Leach. an executive of Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association Inc :
and the graph with increasing cancers incidences warranted a repeat.
From: Victor Leach []
Sent: August 29, 2023 1:58 AM
Subject: ORSAA News August 29 2023
ORSAA support the publication of open-access paper.
Title: The European Union assessments of radiofrequency radiation health risks – another hard nut to crack (Review) by Nyberg, McCredden and Hardell.
You can download this paper for free from Reviews on Environmental Health.
The paper describes how the European Union is violating several of its own foundational laws and principles to roll out 5G wireless technology.
The health and well-being of children are not being protected. The new 2020 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER, previously SCENHIR) guidelines do not consider babies or children as different from adults and, therefore, offer no special precautions to protect them. The precautionary principles are not part of the ICNIRP guidelines, disregarding non-thermal bioeffects, many of which can affect health over the long term.
The EU’s commitment to the Green Deal to reduce power demands is also being violated due to the very high energy demands of 5G infrastructure. It seems that both the EU and Government agencies around the world have been captured by the Telecom industry. The unethical mass exposure of humans and the environment continues to disregard radiation hygiene principles completely. This electromagnetic radiation increases year on year. As shown below, (see link) we now have an incidence of brain cancers among children on par with childhood leukaemia deaths. Is this the price we want to pay for convenience?
Submissions to the recent draft ‘Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023’ has pointed out how a government advisory or regulatory body such as ARPANSA and ACMA can be in error. The FCC case was used as an example.”
ORSAA has an amazing database of studies and reports that should be referenced and used when authorities like Councillors, BC Health authorities, etc. say there is no evidence, according to Health Canada.
Wireless technology is an environmental stressor requiring new understanding and approaches in health care
“Electromagnetic signals from everyday wireless technologies are an ever-present environmental stressor, affecting biological systems. In this article, we substantiate this statement based on the weight of evidence from papers collated within the ORSAA database (ODEB), focusing on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation. More specifically, the experiments investigating exposures from real-world devices and the epidemiology studies examining the effects of living near mobile phone base stations were extracted from ODEB and the number of papers showing effects was compared with the number showing no effects.”
2) In response to a letter in the Update of August 24 ( in which mention was made of connecting a cellphone to an ethernet cable, a member sent the following information:
“That person who is connecting her phone to a Starlink Ethernet cable is clearly getting her internet through the Satellite service Starlink. Safer than a cell tower but not as safe as fibre.
Here is info on how to hardwire (to ethernet cable) a cell phone:
(click on photos to enlarge)
From Environmental Health Trust: and
from PC Magazine: “How to Connect a Phone or Tablet to the Internet Using an Ethernet Cable”
Flip phones are dumber but usually have a micro-USB port. So you would need the right adapter. There are micro-USB to ethernet cable adapters. The PCMag article above explains it well.”
3) Most of the research that I share pertains to wireless radiation and health effects. Equally important are the environmental effects of our power and wireless grids which are ever-growing. Another article by Katie Singer.
A sustainable Internet starts with knowing our region’s mineral deposits
“Does creating a sustainable Internet start with every Internet user learning the supply chain of one substance in their computer…and about the mineral deposits in their region?”

From: X
Sent: August 25, 2023 7:52 PM
Subject: Fwd: Economics… or lack thereof
Dear City of Nanaimo
This is basically a forwarded letter responding to a “hopeful” article about your City in a local publication.
The forwarded letter below is basically the reason that you have driven our contracting business to NOT relocate to your city: Your wireless radiation is through the roof and we would contend, based upon masses of studies, that your “doughnut principle “ is a statement of falsehood and can never be achieved under your current promoting ( or ignoring ) of the wireless issue.
I am sure that a careful review of literature and City statistics may enlighten you to the issues at hand and remind of your “Duty of Care” as City counsellors.
With Respect
From: X
Subject: Economics
Date: August 25, 2023 at 6:37:27 PM PDT
Hi Dolores
I have been following for years…
I have an issue with the article on doughnut economics however, as the City of Nanaimo has totally become two-faced by irresponsibly pursuing their wireless radiation with no thought of the effect on any of the nine professed element in the “ecological ceiling”…..
I am one of the approximately 30% of people who notice the symptoms of wireless radiation and I cannot drive through the city now without becoming sick; Vancouver, PoCo and Marine Drive in West Van are all similarly bad. The other 70% of estimated people will still have effects, from early-onset dementia, bouts of Covid-like flus, joint pain, low energy, irritabilit , lack of proper sleep ( and all of the associated maladies of that, including ADHD ), and intestinal disorders. Never mind the effects on the environment; deaths of birds, bats and bees, incredible use of fossil fuels and energy, ( now at least around 17% of global emissions, up from 3%)…I could go on.
There is significant enough research data to show that the radiation that is bombarding the CIty is like pouring 200 litres of boiling water over that beautiful doughnut-idea.
Your researcher needs to dig a bit deeper and investigate who is pressing the City to become a “not-so-smart” City.
Thank you for all that you do.
Best Regards
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.” Richard Rogers
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.