Only one item today. An important one:
A report summarizing the current status in the EU regarding EMF exposure guidelines. Charges are made that the EU, by relying upon industry-based groups like ICNIRP, is acting illegally, ignoring laws protecting the health and welfare of citizens and the environment. It sounds as if legal actions are being considered if the Precautionary Principle is not implemented.
“By maintaining its course to support the industry-led rollout of 5G, 6G and smart meters, the EU is violating the EU Convention on Human Rights [4], the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights [5], the EU Treaty [64], and EU Case law [104], [105], [106], which all agree that: The protection of health and the environment takes precedence over economic considerations“.
The same is true in Canada and the USA. Health Canada and the FCC are captured agencies and must be forced, through legal action, to stop endangering future generations by the proliferation of wireless radiation.
Note the significant concern with wireless smeters.
(click on photo to enlarge)

The European Union assessments of radiofrequency radiation health risks – another hard nut to crack (Review)
“In 2017 an article was published on the unwillingness of the WHO to acknowledge the health effects associated with the use of wireless phones. It was thus stated that the WHO is ‘A Hard Nut to Crack’. Since then, there has been no progress, and history seems to be repeating in that the European Union (EU) is following in the blind man’s footsteps created by the WHO. Despite increasing evidence of serious negative effects from radiofrequency radiation on human health and the environment, the EU has not acknowledged that there are any risks….
EU decision-makers are mandated to protect the EU population, especially children, from all kinds of harmful health effects, including those from wireless technology. Such mandates are given in The European Convention of Human Rights [4], The Charter of Fundamental Rights [5], primary law [6] and case law from the European Court of Justice. Table 1 summarizes the main EU policies and statements that are being violated by the unfettered rollout of 5G, based on the blind adherence to ICNIRP guidelines….
Signals from smart meters [86] have been shown to be harmful for health [87]. A single smart meter emitting intensities below the ICNIRP limits can create sleep, heart, immune system and reproduction problems, and lead to DNA damage, oxidative stress and cancer.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Discontent is the first necessity of progress.” Thomas A. Edison
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.