2023-08-21 Stink, the film

1) Dr. Joel Moskowitz on the passing of someone who played a major role in bringing attention to the dangers of wireless radiation: Paul Brodeur. The emails that he included are telling. Despite Brodeur’s reputation for exposing dangers of environmental toxins, he could not get articles regarding EMF published due to the mighty influence of the telecoms.

Paul Brodeur In Memoriam: “The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk and the Cover-Up

“May his memory be a revolution.”

A journalist sent me the New York Times obituary on Paul Brodeur along with his comments about the obit:

“As to The New York Times obit of Paul Brodeur (published today, here — see full text below), … it utterly downplays and ultimately dismisses his ground-breaking, impactful work on radiation. A veritable self-parody of how you twist history. And, as you know, a NY Times obit of a figure like Brodeur — well known within various fields, but largely unknown to the general public who might embark on superficial research — goes a fair way towards framing that history….”

I am not surprised that the New York Times downplayed the importance of Brodeur’s reporting on the risks of microwave radiation because this newspaper has a long history of dismissing research on the health risks from exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (e.g., https://microwavenews.com/news-tags/new-york-times).

The NYT obit appears below along with two messages that Paul Brodeur sent me in 2015.



2) Several people have told me that Telus has told them that the copper phone lines are being disconnected and only VoIP (voice over the internet) is being provided. When the person says they want to keep the landline/land line as is, Telus has threatened loss of service if they do not accept.

Has Telus actually cut service to anyone because they would not accept VoIP? If so, please email me at:


with “cut service” on the subject line.

3) A film that comes highly recommended. It is not about EMF but is about corporations’ unethical practices, the deception of the customers, and lack of proper oversight. We are the guinea pigs for untested products and all wireless devices fall into this category.

Stink, the film

“documentary on dangerous chemical ingredients found in everyday products”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxd-o4WZtrI   (90 min.)


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”     Potter Stewart

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation