1) The FCC, like Health Canada, continues to ignore the many hundreds, if not thousands, of studies showing that EMF is not safe, to benefit the telecoms. In the USA, efforts of the government to eliminate the small powers left to the communities re. cellular facilities are being fought strenuously. Local governments must make their voices heard, and they should be doing the same here in Canada. What happens in the US almost always happens here, eventually.
What is HR 3557? Breaking into Concerns Over the Nation’s 5G Rollout
“With the full blessing of the FCC, SAM – and other “studies” like it – have been deemed legitimate for 27 years now, despite a massive body of evidence showing not only the fraudulence of the tests themselves, but the ever-growing health risks related to newer generations of cellular frequencies like 5G.”
2) Not EMF: Dr. Meg Sears works continuously on environmental issues — and this specific item pertains to pesticides in food, like Roundup in peas. Who knew? Dr. Sears has given many points to consider, making writing an email very easy. Please consider responding to this. Not only are pesticides dangerous to us but our environment, including pollinators, also are affected.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Now the bad news. More pesticides are coming to our food!
More pesticides in your food? HAVE YOUR SAY?
“IT’S SUMMER, and the federal government is proposing, again, to permit more pesticides in foods. Back in 2021, public protests against more glyphosate (Roundup) in foods such as beans and peas led to a pre-election pause in increasing “maximum residue limits” (MRLs), and a promise of pesticides reform….
Ending the 2021 “pause” of MRL increases means more glyphosate is allowed in Canadian food — and it is not just glyphosate! More than 40 MRL proposals have been posted in 2023, and several pesticides have open proposals for new or higher MRLs in the PMRA consultation database.”
3) Below in letters is important information a member provided regarding the new Shaw/Rogers Ignite Modem. It is much appreciated when someone shares information that we all need to know.

[Ignite: https://www.shaw.ca/internet/ & https://www.shaw.ca/internet/plans#plansOverview & https://support.shaw.ca/t5/internet-articles/how-to-connect-your-ignite-gateway/ta-p/5299 / Wi-Fi, wi-fi, WiFi, or wifi]
Shaw/Rogers MODEM beware!
When SHAW/ROGERS customers are “upgraded” to Shaw’s new and fast “Ignite Modem”, upon measuring the device for microwave emissions, people who wish to have the wi-fi turned off at the modem, will find that the wi-fi never actually goes completely off!
Previous Shaw Modems could easily be put into Bridge mode with Wi-fi radiation completely off, but these new Ignite Modems, even with all wi-fi settings verified off and put into Bridge mode, still continue to emit strong wi-fi signal.
Additionally, once the Ignite modem is installed, multiple customer service reps will tell you the modem cannot be downgraded to your old modem. However, with some considerable persistence, senior customer service reps have enabled a rollback.
I had a Hitron modem previously (and thankfully now have it back again after some struggle with Shaw). Like you, Shaw had to disable the wi-fi at Shaw’s end with my Hitron and it worked well for several years. The new Ignite modems however provide home login access to the modem administration (if you are tecky) and could be accessed at home – the installer gave me password and login details. However, after trying numerous workarounds, neither I nor the installer could actually keep wi-fi off.
I then started troubleshooting and got through to a senior Shaw Tech referred by the installer, who also attempted to disable the wi-fi on 3 different new Ignite modems at his office. He concluded that indeed, the 2.4 wi-fi cannot be fully turned off on any Ignite modem. In his troubleshooting he evidently contacted several other techs throughout western Canada, and apparently to all their surprise, also concluded it does not turn off completely, suggesting it runs a separate private wi-fi network that is *probably* there 24/7 to interface with their new wireless PVR’s. These things are getting very invasive!! 🙁
As part of my attempts looking for solutions (I have a background in networks and computers) I built a small faraday cage to try to nullify the strong broadcasting this modem puts out, but it was clumsy and leaky and the modem itself had an annoying fan noise, so I fought to cancel my account and go back to old trusty 300 Mbps Hitron (no fan noise – no wi-fi).
In short, this high powered new Ignite modem maxed out my HFE 35C Gigahertz Solutions analyzer and is not something I could live with at all.
Moral of story, keep your old modem as long as possible and refuse to upgrade.
The ongoing problem will be that without a wi-fi analyzer (RF meter) most customers will assume the wi-fi is off on these new Ignite modems, even as my installer and Shaw customer service people assumed it was off. Those with some sensitivity should feel the difference as I did, but without proof using an analyzer, it will be easy for Shaw to deny it is on when everything in their software says the modem is in bridge mode and wi-fi is off.
Hopefully there are enough people with analyzers able to show Shaw installers this inaccurate modem software problem, and Shaw/Rogers will be able to make changes to accommodate … but I’m not holding my breath. So goes the battle for our homes!
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Theodore Roosevelt
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.