2023-08-11 BCUC’s response re smeter fires

1) The 3rd in the EPIC Summertime EMF series of videos. These are the videos originally planned to be shown in Episode 1 but due to technical difficulties (now resolved) the host was unable to present them.

Heroes in the EMF Medical Conference 2021

Two videos from the legendary four-day event


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Zoom link opens at 7:20pm ET, 6:20pm CT, 4:20pm, PT

Video begins at 7:30 pm ET

https://gem.godaddy.com/p/77d6071   or


2) There are many pressures on honeybees and other pollinators in our current environment. EMF has been shown to be one of the major ones, and this recent study re. power lines provides additional evidence.

(click on photos to enlarge)

The latest buzz on bees

“Could the high magnetic fields from the powerlines that criss-cross their habitat affect bee health, behaviour and pollination activities?

It’s a question to which researchers from Chile and Argentina have recently turned their attention.

The reason for their interest, they explained is this. ‘[H]oneybees are … being increasingly exposed to artificial, low-frequency EMF (such as those from overhead power lines), which acts as a stressor on honeybees, by altering the magnetic maps used during foraging flights and navigation and producing a magnetoreception disorder. This leads to fewer honeybees returning to the colony, disorientation, or even a total loss of adult foragers (colony collapse disorder).”


The study:

Electromagnetic fields disrupt the pollination service by honeybees

“EMF exposure exerted strong physiological stress on honeybees as shown by the enhanced expression of heat-shock proteins and genes involved in antioxidant activity and affected the expression levels of behavior-related genes. Moreover, California poppy individuals growing near EMF received fewer honeybee visits and produced fewer seeds than plants growing far from EMF.”


3) Here is an excellent paper on Electrosmog which is engulfing our environment. I hope you will consider sharing widely.

Policy Brief on Electrosmog

“Electrosmog is the totality of the electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic radiation that bathes us 24/7 from all electrical and electronic devices, electric wires, power lines, and wireless devices and antennas. With wired communication, information is transmitted via the wires, and the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation are unintentional. Proper engineering can reduce these unwanted fields and radiation to a minimum….

The purpose of this brief is to outline actions that are required to be taken by political leaders, religious leaders, environmental organizations, public schools, medical schools and doctors to educate the public and to begin to dismantle this existential threat to the earth.”

Electrosmog Policy Brief


4) In Letters below is a response from BCUC that I find quite disturbing. BCUC apparently has no ability to halt or to influence a BC Hydro product that is dangerous — which is causing fires in homes of unsuspecting people. Granted, the Clean Energy Act (2010) prevented any oversight of the smeter program but does that mean that there is nothing BCUC can do to at least alert the public and the provincial authorities to the dangers posed?

If others write about this report re. causes of smeter fires


(and I hope you will), please emphasize fires. We know that BCUC and all the governments hide behind Safety Code 6, but they shouldn’t hide behind the Clean Energy Act re. fires.


[Photos: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/fires/smart-meter-fires-2015/  &  https://emrabc.ca/?page_id=3514]

From: Lavonne Garnett (name given with permission)
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2023 10:11 AM
To: Commission, Secretary <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>; EMPR Minister <EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca>
Subject: Smart Meter harms

Dear BCUC Commissioners and Minister Baskerville:

In receipt of these reports, below, and on behalf of all citizens in BC, I request that you further investigate the risks of fires and electromagnetic radiation of Smart Meters, including the Radio Off versions, and that the Smart Meters be certified safe by proper Electrical Engineers.




Before BC Hydro forced Smart Meters on our home, after knowing their harms, we paid extra fees to keep our analogue meters for about 8 years. Within 2 weeks of installation of Radio Off Smart Meters, my husband had 2 strokes and I experienced severe cognitive and memory dysfunction. BC Hydro, the BCUC, and our MLA, Doug Routley did nothing to help us. A stranger learned of our situation and provided us mitigation information that saved our lives. I have encountered many others, who have had strokes, heart conditions and other health problems related to the installation of Smart Meters, yet citizens are not educated about them. Locally, I know of one house fire that started in the Smart Meter site, reported in The Nanaimo Bulletin, and a second fire at the Smart Meter on a house in South Wellington.

April 2022, BC Hydro, unannounced, upgraded the software on the Radio Off Smart Meter on our home. By chance, we saw the BC Hydro employee and learned what she was doing. Coincidentally, the energy in our house became unbearable. It felt like Wi-Fi had pervaded our home. It took 3 weeks of being unable to sleep before BC Hydro, after exchanging the meter, finally removed the software, after which our home was rendered normal.

How many other people, without knowledge of EMR, experience adverse health effects of EMR from Smart Meters, but don’t know the source of their adversity, suffer heart attacks, strokes and other health problems? It is incumbent upon you to investigate this energy, and not leave it to outdated Health Canada Safety Code 6. Whoever has a conscience will do their utmost to educate and ensure that our society is not beleaguered by the ill effects of EMR created by Smart Meters that contributes to the overwhelming use of our hospitals and medical system.

I anticipate that finally your offices will do the right thing for the sake of all of us, including your families. We can allow that ignorance was an initial factor, but I and others have frequently brought this topic to the attention of your offices. To continue to ignore your constituents leaves you with more responsibility of lives harmed. Please inform me of what you will do to protect us from the harms of Smart Meters.

Lavonne Garnett

= = =

From: “Complaints BCUC, EX” <Complaints@bcuc.com>
To: “Garnett, Lavonne” (name given with permission)
Sent: Wednesday, 9 August, 2023 15:23:17
Subject: RE: Smart Meter harms

Good afternoon Ms. Garnett,

Thank you for your email to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) regarding concerns with British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority’s (BC Hydro) smart meters at your premises.

The BCUC is an independent regulatory agency of the Provincial Government that operates under and administers the Utilities Commission Act (UCA). The BCUC receives written complaints from customers about regulated utilities and ICBC’s basic automobile insurance rates and attempts to resolve these complaints where they fall within the BCUC’s jurisdiction.

As you may be aware and as set out by the provincial government in section 4 of Direction No. 4 to the BCUC (Direction No. 4), the BCUC was prohibited from directly or indirectly preventing BC Hydro from installing, operating or providing services in respect of legacy meters, smart meters, and radio-off meters. Furthermore, section 7 of the Clean Energy Act exempts BC Hydro’s Smart Metering Program from BCUC’s regulation under certain sections of the UCA.

For more information, the Clean Energy Act is available online at https://www.leg.bc.ca/39th2nd/1st_read/gov17-1.htm

BCUC staff note that Health Canada is responsible for setting guidelines for the safe use of technology and they have concluded there are no health risks from exposure to radiofrequency EMF from smart meters. For further information regarding Health Canada and this matter, you may wish to visit the following linkhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-risks-safety/radiation/everyday-things-emit-radiation/smart-meters.html

If you have concerns pertaining to your account or safety concerns at your premises which pose an immediate risk, please contact the BC Hydro Emergency Line at 1-800-224-9376 (24 hours) or 911.

The BCUC and Utility Customer Complaints
The BCUC receives complaints from utility customers and works to resolve complaints that are within the BCUC’s jurisdiction under the Utilities Commission Act. BCUC staff investigate customer complaints to ensure utilities are appropriately applying their approved tariffs. For more information on the BCUC’s complaint process, please visit our website at:                                            https://www.bcuc.com/WhatWeDo/ComplaintProcess.

Thank you again for contacting the BCUC.

Kind regards,

Aman Sangara
Customer Service Specialist, Compliance and Mandatory Reliability Standards

British Columbia Utilities Commission
P: 604.660.4700 BC Toll Free: 1.800.663.1385 F: 604.660.1102


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don’t give up the fight.”    Bob Marley

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation