2023-08-10 5G mmWave Webinar

1) A great opportunity to learn more about 5G from several experts. Details are available at the link below.

Webinar in EMF/MMW August 15, 2023, organized by Safe Living Technologies.
FREE EMF Educational Series – 5G Radiation Webinar Special
Sign Up For A Free 5G mmWave/RF Radiation Learning Session!

Next Learning Session: Tuesday August 15 @ 1:00PM EDT
If you can’t attend, please sign up to watch the replay


2) Katie Singer’s newest newsletter with info about many proposed actions being proposed in the USA that could give the telecoms even more freedom to endanger our health and that of the environment.

(click on photos to enlarge)

Legislative proposals to remove yet more local authority over telecommunications—and strengthen telecom corporations

“Since its beginnings, telecom law has significantly limited local authority over telecom infrastructure. Today, Congress and other legislative bodies have proposed laws that would remove yet more local authority—and grant corporations yet more control over telecom infrastructure, environmental impacts and surveillance….
Here’s a brief summary of currently proposed legislation:”



From: X
Sent: August 5, 2023 4:33 PM
To: commission.secretary@bcuc.com; <EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca>
Subject: request for clarity

To the Commission Secretary and the Honourable Josie Osborne,

I am NOT a scientist, and I do not understand the issue that I am asking you about. I believe it is your job to clarify the situation by engaging (independent) scientists to clarify the understanding of the issue.

I am an old person. I remember 1955 when warnings of tobacco were first raised by Sir Richard Doll. I’m sure that you both are aware of what has happened since. What I think about is the ‘science’ that the tobacco industry paid for to ‘prove’ that their product was safe. I’m sure you know about the validity of that ‘science’. The industry was a powerful one and able to prolong having to take responsibility for the safety of its products.

I remember lead in paint, gasoline and pipes and the dangers it posed. Again, it was a powerful industry and it took a very long time to eliminate its dangerous use.

I’m sure you’re aware of asbestos and many other products from powerful industries that sold or still sell products of questionable safety.

Right now, there is a lot of chatter about the safety of smart meters. I have looked at:


but I did not read it because most of it is clearly beyond my understanding. I would like to ask you who has done the science to prove that smart meters are safe – that is to say that they have never been responsible for fires – and when and where this research was done.

Again, I remember the history of the powerful tobacco industry who claimed that their products were safe. We have another powerful industry, the wireless industry, who claim that their products are safe, but there are many questions (with evidence) that their products are not always safe. Where are the answers to the questions regarding the lack of safety from this technology?

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.



Maple Ridge


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”      Abraham Lincoln

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation