2023-08-04 RF heating & smeter fires

1) Smeter fires do occur and I wrote a report in 2017 that documented 2 years of research on smeter fires here in BC. The reasons for many fires were unclear for many reasons — one being that so many electrical fires were classified as “undetermined” in the official reports. I wish the information in this report below had been available when I was doing my research– that might have resulted in many “undetermined” fires to having been caused by the smeters.

Look at page 62 of this report — a major problem with standards. Explanation of how RF radiation from the smeters is clear and logical, and this information should be given to BCUC and the Provincial Fire Inspector.

One major problem in the entire smeter project was/is that the smeters were never certified safe by an independent Professional Electrical Engineer. One PEE told me that, in his opinion, no one would certify them to be safe because they weren’t. I tried, and Engineers tried, to get BCUC or BC Hydro to get such a certification before installing these things on our homes. No one listened.

(click on photos to enlarge)

I hope many of you will send this report to:

BCUC – “commission secretary” <commission.secretary@bcuc.com>

Hon Shannon Baskerville, Deputy Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation <EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca>

and ask for a full investigation into smeters and for independent certification by a Professional Electrical Engineer.

The Discovery and Science of Smart Meter Fires

pg. 23 – “Characteristics of smart meter fires from field observation”

pg. 24 – “5 Stages Leading to Fire…”

pg. 29 – “The analysis found molecular breakdown in PVC insulation that could have only been caused by RF radiation. The resulting breakdown compromises or destroys the insulating properties of PVC.”

pg. 38 – “Types of smart meter fires”

pg. 62 – “The role of standards”  – Very important


My report, with full documentation, is available. BCUC and the provincial authorities did not respond to my report. Perhaps they would have if they had known about the RF heating of fixed wires.


2) From a colleague in the US re LED light bulbs.

“It’s important to remember that while LEDs may be energy efficient in that they use less electricity, they don’t provide the same quality lighting or the safe lighting provided by incandescent bulbs. So, energy efficiency is really a misnomer if the end products are not equal. Many people with photo-sensitive epilepsy have seizures triggered by LEDs but virtually all of you, even not so unfortunate, have been blinded by this lighting and many more are adversely affected by disturbances to their power quality from LEDs, CFLs and smart electric meters. You don’t need to be on Facebook to watch this 4.5 minute video.



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

Have a good, safe long weekend. Next update will be on Tuesday.

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation