1) Dr. Shiv Chopra was a whistleblower in the late 1990s warning that Health Canada was not doing its job re. growth hormones, etc.
(click on photos to enlarge)

We’ve seen clear evidence that Health Canada is too close to the telecom industry — ignoring science for their benefit. And now an MP calls out Health Canada for ignoring science to the benefit of the pesticide industry. This agency is “corrupt to the core” and should be dismantled. We should thank Don Davies, MP and encourage other MPs to step forward. They can bring about change that is so desperately needed.

Recent resignations suggest industry has too much sway with Health Canada: NDP
“NDP health critic Don Davies says the resignation of a scientific adviser from the federal pesticide regulator is yet another example of industry having too much influence at Health Canada….
He cited concerns over the role the pesticide industry plays in the regulatory process, pointing to a tendency to favour industry-provided data over more broad, independent studies.”
2) White House dogs have been known to act inappropriately — even biting some people they’re around regularly. Patricia Burke offers some insights into possible explanations, among other interesting things.
EMF/RF/ 5G: Major, Commander, and the “Secret” Service That Keeps Secret
“The heavily-protected White house itself is filled with security and communications infrastructure.
If the dogs are hearing anything like what I (and others) hear turning off and on over the course of day and night, -a multi-layered very high-pitched hum creating a thermo-elastic wave of pressure in my head, preventing healthy rest and sleep, – I don’t blame them for biting – because it is irritating, aggravating, frustrating, and it involuntarily activates the Fight or Flight or Freeze response when brain waves are altered by an artificial external force.”
From someone with EHS, hoping for others to provide feedback. re access to Parks Canada. Parks Canada’s deadline is Aug. 11, 2023.

“The Canadian Federal Government is looking for Accessibility Feedback!
This is our chance to send feedback to the government about how to make outdoor spaces more accessible for people living with environmental sensitivities (multiple chemical sensitivity, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, mould illness, etc).
You can complete the survey linked below (scroll to the bottom of the page) or send your feedback to me,
Marie LeBlanc <whosaysweneedfreshair@gmail.com> or
Alison <alison.whiting@uhn.ca> (from Parks Accessible Canada)
before August 7, as we are collecting feedback to submit a joint submission on behalf of the environmental sensitivities community.
This is not just for environmental sensitivities! Anyone with any disability, or any caregiver, can send in feedback!
For reference and some ideas for accessibility for people living with environmental sensitivities please, see the YouTube stream of my presentation recorded from the Parks Accessible Conference posted their website (https://pac2023.ca/). My presentation video starts at the 2:05:22 mark on day 2.
Please share widely!
This is my Facebook post:
Marie LeBlanc (name given with permission)
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Science is the search for truth, that is the effort to understand the world: it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality.” Linus Pauling
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.