2023-07-28 Policy Brief on EMF

1) An EPIC Summer Series Video — the second in the series

Wednesday, Aug. 2 @ 7:30 ET, 4:30 PT

Videos of 2 doctors who spoke at the EMF Medical Conference 2021


2) Another community in the US has called for a moratorium on 5G based upon the concerns that Canada’s ISED refuses to consider: health and property values. The resolution is something that Canadian communities should consider.

(click on photo to enlarge)


“The Fountain Hills, AZ Town Council approved a resolution calling for a moratorium on the installation of 5G wireless technology in the community due to wireless radiation health concerns and property devaluation concerns.”


The background for the resolution:

“Recently, Town staff received many comments and questions from residents related to the safety of wireless facilities within Town limits, specifically the safety of “5G” wireless facilities. At the Council’s April 18, 2023, regular meeting, Town staff informed the Council that it had retained an outside expert to conduct a substantive review of the Town’s ordinances, applications, and design review guidelines related to wireless facilities in general. In consideration of the residents’ concerns and the revision process, the Council directed staff to draft a “moratorium” on the consideration and construction of facilities, modeled after a resolution from the Town of Easton, CT.


3) Arthur Firstenberg has shared an important policy statement prepared to give guidance regarding EMF and recommendations for reducing it. A good weekend read.

Policy Brief on Electrosmog

“Last fall, the World Council for Health asked us to draft a Policy Brief on Electrosmog, for guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders. It is now finalized and available for distribution…

Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders.

Electrosmog is the totality of the electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic radiation that bathes us 24/7 from all electrical and electronic devices, electric wires, power lines, and wireless devices and antennas. With wired communication, information is transmitted via the wires, and the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation are unintentional. Proper engineering can reduce these unwanted fields and radiation to a minimum.”

Electrosmog Policy Brief



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”     Dr. Seuss

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation