2023-07-26 Wireless: the cigarette of the 21st century

1) Katie Singer mentioned the book “Cobalt Red” in one of her articles. The horror of wireless technology begins in the mines.

(click on photo to enlarge)

The horrors behind the mining industry that powers your life

“That’s what Siddharth Kara invites you to do in his damning new book, “Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives.”…

The fact remains that cobalt batteries will increasingly power the consumer economy for many years to come. Kara’s goal is to shine a light under that rock, so we in the developed world get an honest look at who pays the highest price for our consumer goodies and luxury electric cars.”


2) Wireless technology has been called the cigarette of the 21st century. The telecoms follow the tobacco industry’s pattern of lies, deceit, and bent science while the corporations and government reap the benefits. Profit at any price, even our health.

A fun story is in this article, one that was published by a group with telecom partners, a story that apparently has gone viral because a friend told me she had stopped eating bananas because of radiation.

‘While cell towers and cell phones do emit a small amount of radiation, so do bananas. This is an unnecessary concern for the environmental impact of 5G.”


EMF/RF/5G: Get Off the Gigantic/Titanic Wireless Party Boat

“The public was brain-washed to focus only on lung cancer in smokers, with a long gestation period and a smokescreen that could implicate other factors.

Why does this sound so familiar?

Former Attorney General Mark Butterworth of Florida stated, “The issue has been deceit. The [ ] companies made a decision that they would withhold valuable information from the American public, information that the consumer would need to make an intelligent decision…”

Informed Consumers are the Industry’s Worst Customer”


3) More and more articles are being written and, hopefully, are reaching new audiences because the level of pollution is making life unsustainable for many species.

Wireless technology poses credible risk on wildlife

“‘When you start to observe and realise that swallows and house martins no longer nest in towns and villages, when you realise that the sparrows have all disappeared, that in the evenings there are no bats flying in the dusk and that you no longer hear owls hooting, then you will begin to know what effect microwaves from cell towers and antennas are having on the environment.’”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.”     Noel Coward

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation