1) Just look at what I’ve found so far, and what the Phonegate team has learned: Few phones are being tested — in Canada only 90 phones/models over 5 years. Many are over the guidelines and little is done. The method for testing is ridiculous and the agencies doing the testing — Health Canada and ISED ignore the mass of scientific evidence showing microwave radiation is harmful — especially for children.
(click on photos to enlarge)
The Testing Behind Your Wireless Devices. Decoding the Telecom Industry’s Silence
“In our ever-connected world, we love and rely on technology. While the risks are touted as being safe, there’s a bubbling undercurrent of concern around the methods used to test the radiation emitted by wireless networks to our handheld devices.
The problem is, cell phone testing is done on a plastic dummy, named SAM (Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin). This method, used to determine the effects of radiation, hasn’t changed in decades and worryingly disregards over 2000 peer-reviewed reports showing biological harm from wireless radiation.”
A good short video, We Are Not SAM:
2) Not RF related directly, but a very interesting article that does apply to the telecom industry. Just look at the number of cell phones in Canada — estimate in 2020, 32 million smartphones alone. And how many of those were replacements for older models?
Why I don’t consider climate change our root problem— and I’d welcome economies that recognize limits to growth
“Could we build networks that strengthen local, regenerative agriculture and food storage, locally-made biodegradable and repairable tools? Could we decrease dependence on international supply chains (including for energy? Could we delay children’s use of electronics until they master reading, writing and math on paper…and can compost kitchen scraps?”

From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: “vanessa craig” <vanessa.craig@rdn.bc.ca>, “tyler brown” <tyler.brown@nanaimo.ca>, “jessica stanley” <jessica.stanley@rdn.bc.ca>, “lauren melanson” <lauren.melanson@rdn.bc.ca>, “bob rogers” <bob.rogers@rdn.bc.ca>, “leanne salter” <leanne.salter@rdn.bc.ca>, “lehann wallace” <lehann.wallace@rdn.bc.ca>, “stuart mclean” <stuart.mclean@rdn.bc.ca>, “leonard krog” <leonard.krog@nanaimo.ca>, “sheryl armstrong” <sheryl.armstrong@nanaimo.ca>, “ben geselbracht” <ben.geselbracht@nanaimo.ca>, “erin hemmens” <erin.hemmens@nanaimo.ca>, “paul manly” <paul.manly@nanaimo.ca>, “janice perrino” <janice.perrino@nanaimo.ca>, “ian thorpe” <ian.thorpe@nanaimo.ca>, mayor@parksville.ca, councillorwood@parksville.ca, “mayor swain” <mayor.swain@lantzville.ca>, mayor@qualicumbeach.com
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2023 5:03:45 PM
Subject: education – urgently needed
Ladies and Gentlemen, RDN Directors,
One of the prime duties of councils, mayors and directors is to keep citizens safe from harm, caused by noise, water and air pollution.
While many of these pollutants are easily noticed, cell tower microwave pollution (e-smog pollution) goes largely unnoticed, as it is not visible, nor audible, and therefore goes unnoticed, but believe me, it’s always present, . . . everywhere!
If this radiation could be made visible in the air, people would run away, once they see just how pervasive cell tower radiation pollution has become, even inside their homes. E-smog pollution has risen to absurd heights in Oceanside and Nanaimo, without any informed consent of its citizens whose homes are inundated with bio-active radiation, emanating from TELUS and Rogers cell towers and transmitters.
It was most regrettable that the vast majority of you voted recently in favour of yet another cell tower in your area, lobbied by TELUS and Rogers.
It was equally regrettable that the RDN ‘advisors’ counseled that you should support TELUS and Rogers proposal.
Please ask yourself; . . . are your ‘advisors’ even qualified to advise the RDN Directors regarding this highly specialized subject, as a degree in business administration, urban planning, or finance, does NOT qualify anyone, as this is a matter of biophysics and cellular biology?
Since no rational person would ever seek medical advice from your ‘advisors’, why would you accept their advice when it comes to chronic cell tower pollution, which was proven by countless studies to be bio-active on a cellular level?
Influence peddling by industry:
Have any RDN Directors asked the important question, as to; … who wields so much influence that HEALTH IS OFF THE TABLE, and no one is allowed to mention health?
Let me repeat this question; who wields so much power that NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO SPEAK ABOUT HEALTH, which included Dr. Malthouse and long time government biologist, Marg Friesen, who have studied the health implications of chronic radiofrequency radiation exposure for man and the environment? Pushing health off the table is a most cynical maneuver, designed to suppress public knowledge regarding this growing health fiasco where the people and environment will suffer dire consequences because of telecoms massive influence peddling in Ottawa.
Has no one noticed that our health system is on its knees, gasping for air, which sadly includes more and more chronically ill children? Is democracy in the RDN region also on its last legs?
As a member of the public, I was also not allowed to speak about health at the public RDN Directors meeting, even though I am a certified radiation consultant, educated by an Environmental Medical Clinic for Radiation Protection in Austria.
I also attended the 4 day International EMF Medical Conference 2021, for the education of medical professionals, on the long term consequences of chronic radiation exposure, including cell tower radiation pollution. The speakers came from all medical disciplines such as cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, etc. (Harvard, McGill, University of California, etc).
Last but not least, lawyers informed on numerous ongoing litigations against the telecom industry, as well as US Government agencies which were slammed by a panel of US judges. Have the telecom lobbyists, Mr. Agnastos, Segita, or Gregg, mentioned the growing litigation against their industry to you?
It’s only a matter of time for the information on biological consequences of cell tower radiation to become widely known, just like asbestos, formaldehyde, tobacco and DDT before them.
Please become familiar with the Wingspread Statement of the Precautionary Principle (ratified by Canada) before you approve any further cell tower applications/expansions in the RDN region.
The Precautionary Principle is increasingly recognized as a foundation for decision-making to protect human health and the environment.
Below are its five key elements:
1. Taking anticipatory action to prevent harm in the face of scientific uncertainty. (Are thousands of peer reviewed studies not enough?)
2. Exploring alternatives, including the alternative of “no action.”
3. Considering the full cost of environmental and health impacts over time.
4. Increasing public participation in decision making.
5. Shifting the responsibility for providing evidence to the proponents of an activity.
What illness pictures arises from Man-Made Disturbances, such as chronic cell tower, e-smog pollution?
Tiredness, Nervousness, Headaches, Tinnitus, Sleep disorders, Heart problems, Blood pressure to low or to high, Learning difficulties, Exhaustion, Irritability, ADD in children, Fertility issues, Leukemia, Cancer, etc.
– Academy for Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine
For the sake of your own families’ long term health and the environment, please educate yourself by reading the information which I previously sent to you, as without this knowledge – you are flying blind.
For anyone who has not received information on the health effects from cell tower pollution, feel free to contact me, and I will provide you with the latest information based on peer reviewed science.
What peer reviewed science was presented to you by the telecom industry or Health Canada?
Kind regards,
Marcus Schluschen
Cert. EMF Radiation Consultant
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” Leonardo da Vinci
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.