1) More about the major effort in the USA to allow the telecoms free rein, with no oversight, no public input.
It’s up to us to stop HR 3557
“If you have not yet heard, an HORRENDOUS Federal Bill, HR 3557, is working its way through Congress. If passed, It would result in unrestricted proliferation of cell towers and small cell installations near schools, playgrounds, and homes with virtually no state, city, or community input. HR 3557 is “a giant giveaway to the rich and powerful wireless industry …[and] shreds the concept of home rule in favor of top-down federal control.” (Americans for Responsible Technology)
2) This complaint in Norway charges that forcing those who are sensitive to have a wireless smeter deprives them of their Human Rights. They claim that “several sections of the European Convention on Human Rights have been violated, and the precautionary principle has been breached.”
AMS: The complaint to the European Court of Human Rights has been sent. – A milestone has been reached!
“The law firm Schjødt AS today sent a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg on behalf of eight people living in Norway. The case concerns the forced introduction of new electricity meters which cause health problems for many people. …
The eight claim that those who are electrosensitive suffer significant health problems from the meters and that the meters intensify other health problems they already have.
Their complaint is the first Norwegian complaint to the ECtHR about human rights related to electromagnetic radiation and biological harm.”
https://einarflydal.com/2023/07/17/ams-klagen-til-emd-er-sendt-en-milepael-er-nadd/ (This can be translated into English at the site.)
3) A former insider at the FCC becomes a whistleblower — describing the many shortcomings and failures within the agency, and how it is not doing its job. It is supporting telecom projects at the expense of the environment, ignoring laws and policies. An important read because the agencies in Canada are failing to do their jobs, too.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Environmental Procedures at the FCC: A Case Study in Corporate Capture” by a former FCC official
“An environmental and public lands policy attorney with over 30 years of experience, including in agencies, Congress, and academia, Erica Rosenberg worked at the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau from 2014 to 2021; for the last six of those years, she was Assistant Chief of the Competition and Infrastructure Policy Division.
With infrastructure including millions of miles of fiber optic cable and lines, thousands of towers, earth stations and satellites, and hundreds of thousands of small cells, the telecommunications industry leaves a significant environmental footprint: wetlands filled, viewsheds marred, cultural resources damaged, and habitat destroyed….”
“Clearly, the FCC’s NEPA process falls short of what NEPA and Council on Environmental Quality require.
• It ignores major federal actions requiring environmental review, such as its distribution to industry of billions of dollars that support build-outs for updated wireless service, or improperly deems certain major federal actions nonmajor federal actions to circumvent NEPA.
• Its NEPA rules create an unsupported and overbroad categorical exclusion so that, for example, satellite licensing and submarine cable licensing are excluded from review.
• With little oversight or tracking, it delegates environmental review of NEPA determinations to industry proponents of the project.
• It fails to vigorously enforce its rules so that industry noncompliance is rampant….”
https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/1222046629894/7 (scroll down)
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” George Orwell
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.