1) The FCC seems to want people to think it is concerned about the vulnerability of wireless devices communicating via the Internet of Things– and, by proposing a “voluntary” plan, appears to be doing something. In order of “labels”, TVs, fridges and fitness devices. Then later, Wi-Fi routers through which all the data is communicated. And separate is the power grid which would include smeters. After all the years of warnings …..
FCC Proposes Cybersecurity Labels, Certifications for IoT Devices
The proposed voluntary program would let companies feature labels on consumer products that clear certain cybersecurity criteria, helping consumers identify and select items that are less prone to cyber attack.
“While the Cyber Trust Mark program is voluntary, the White House said several companies pledged to improve their products’ cybersecurity and voiced support for the program. That list includes Amazon, Best Buy, Google, LG Electronics, Logitech and Samsung Electronics.”
2) A few months ago there was a report regarding a study with just a few subjects that found that high cell phone usage could increase blood pressure. This is a large study, with more than 212,000 participants, and arrived at the same conclusion – although 30 min. a week doesn’t seem high.
People are now being told by their physicians to use “smart watches” to keep track of blood pressure, pulses, etc. Might this close and constant exposure to low level EMF from these things potentially increase risk of elevated BP, among other things?
An Unexpected Pathway to Hypertension: Your Phone Habits Could be Putting Your Heart at risk
“According to a study recently published in the European Heart Journal – Digital Health, spending over 30 minutes per week on mobile phone conversations can lead to a 12% higher risk of developing high blood pressure, compared to spending less than 30 minutes.
“It’s the number of minutes people spend talking on a mobile that matters for heart health, with more minutes meaning greater risk,” said study author Professor Xianhui Qin of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China. “Years of use or employing a hands-free set-up had no influence on the likelihood of developing high blood pressure. More studies are needed to confirm the findings….
In conclusion, mobile phone use for making or receiving calls was significantly associated with a higher risk of new-onset hypertension, especially in those with a longer weekly usage time, among the general population. ”
(click on photos to enlarge)
The study is at:
3) Please see Letters below re bees, or lack thereof, this year. I have a yard filled with lavender that is usually covered with bees. Until a few days ago, I hadn’t seen any, not one, and now there are just a precious few. I live near cell and FM transmitters so this did not surprise me but, apparently, this is happening elsewhere where the level of RF is far lower. Is this widespread?
If you, too, are seeing this significant reduction, please let me know at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “bees” on the subject line. I will let everyone know if I get significant responses.
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: “Jasmine Lee” <Jasmine.Lee@islandhealth.ca>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2023 3:44:11 PM
Subject: from Cindy Lee Russell, M.D. – Past President, Santa Clara County Medical Association
Hello Miss Lee,
A couple of weeks ago, I responded to you, regarding your message to Mrs. Carol Dowe, back in April.
As noted in my email, I am in contact with EMF scientist, and deeply concerned physicians, regarding adverse health, which man-made technologies imposes on humans, animals, insects and the environment.
Since it’s Island Health’s duty to protect the well-being of all patients, by improving knowledge, I am forwarding this invitation to you, by Cindy Lee Russell, M.D. – Past President, Santa Clara County Medical Association, Executive Director, Physicians for Safe Technology.
An introduction by Dr. Cindy Russell to other medical practitioners:
Free Screening of Documentary “Surrounded” – July 26-30, 2023 (citizensforsafertech.ca)
Dr. Russell’s invitation includes a short, but informative video, which anyone in the medical field should watch, as it shines a light on this subject. Please pass this information on to your medical staff, as they have a right to be given the opportunity to learn, and be better nurses and doctors.
I am well aware that this has become a political football, but for medical professionals who swore an oath to help others, politics should not play a part in this, as the well-being of patients should always be the top priority for medical professionals.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
Marcus Schluschen
Cert. EMF Radiation Consultant

From a member in New Denver:
“As I am an avid gardener, growing a good portion of our summer
vegetables (and root crops for winter storage), I keep a close eye on
our local bee populations. One of my best natural indicators is my
oregano bush—we always harvest about half the leaves to dry for spice and then leave the rest to blossom for the bees, since oregano will continue to blossom all summer. In a good year, that bush is literally swarming with bees of all kinds.
But not this year. This year, not a single bee. Not even any hornets,
which are also usually prolific here.
Are you aware of any unusual deployment of 5G satellites over southern BC this year? I wonder what’s going on? It worries me that we have no bees this year. The root crops will be fine but any of the vegetables such as tomatoes, squash, beans and peas all require pollination, and aren’t getting any.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.