1) More articles are being written by varied groups and people, even industry groups, about the many problems with 5G. Privacy is a major one to many.
(click on photos to enlarge)
The promises of 5G are not worth the cost to security and liberty: here’s why
“Unlike 4G towers that cover large areas, 5G towers are smaller and more numerous, allowing for precise location tracking. This data can be accessed by government agencies, ISPs, and data brokers, exacerbating privacy issues….
Security researchers see other potential issues that emerge from a network as complex as this, making it more vulnerable to bad actors.
And as the U.S. is rolling out its 5G network this year, there is also the question of where the hardware and software comes from, and how reliable it is, including in terms of the supply chain. If recent major global crises have taught us anything, it’s that the outsourcing of critical manufacturing to only a handful of places in the world is a bad idea.”
2) A town in New Jersey is using every means possible to keep micro/small cells off its right-of-ways hoping that this will discourage Verizon from expanding its network. What about cell towers that support 5G? Could a similar tactic work with them?
New Ordinance “will allow the municipality to take as much control as possible with the FCC” in re Small Cell Deployment
“Beach Town Lawyers Up and Passes Ordinances Opposing Verizon Small Cells
UPDATE Following the advice of newly hired telecommunication attorney Peter Lupo, officials in Belmar, NJ have approved revised ordinances aimed at keeping Verizon off the boardwalk. Since inheriting a connectivity project from the prior administration, Mayor Gerald Buccafusco has been vociferous in his quest to keep small cell towers out of town. An update from TapInto.net notes that Ordinance 2023-09 has been rewritten in an attempt to give Belmar more control over how its rights-of-way are employed.”
3) Telecoms in the USA have known that their older cables were coated in lead and leached lead into water, soil etc, as they degraded — but they did nothing. This probably is true with Canadian telecoms as well, which could support the push for forcing replacement of copper lines — even newer ones that are not coated with lead.
WSJ exposes major environmental issue for AT&T and Verizon
“The Wall Street Journal published an investigative journalism exposé over the weekend, reporting that AT&T, Verizon and other telecom companies have left a massive network across the U.S. of old cables covered in toxic lead….
The paper said that lead from at least 2,000 old telco cables has degraded over time and contaminated myriad locations in water, in the soil and from overhead lines. Many of these locations are in places where people live and work. Some of the locations are in schoolyards.”

From: “VISTA – Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance” <VISafeTechAlliance@proton.me>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Subject: ACTION ITEM: Has a cell tower impacted the number of bees, birds, wildlife in your area? Please share your story
We have heard a few reports of people who have noted a drastic decline in bees and birds in their gardens following the installation of a cell tower in their community. Have you had a similar experience? If so, please send us your accounts with your name, community, and telecom company that erected the tower, e.g. Rogers, Telus, etc. We would like to gather on-the-ground reports of what people are observing. Your information will not be shared without your permission.
Suzanne (VISTA member)
Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance (VISTA)
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” Plato
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.