1) Katie Singer has provided another article that questions our technical world. How long will life survive it?
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://katiesinger.substack.com/archive
Could we make questioning technology…common?
Could we make tech’s harms and remedies more visible?
“We live in the technosphere like the mythic frog who doesn’t notice that the surrounding water’s rising temperature threatens its survival. Let’s build awareness of technology’s hazards. Let’s ask: If our survival depend on limiting our technology use, what limits do we need to learn?”
2) A member sent some excerpts from Arthur Firstenberg’s “The Invisible Rainbow”. More than 150 years ago researchers, such as Tesla, worried about RF transmissions safety.
Marconi, Bees, Frequencies, Queen Victoria, 1918 Flu Outbreak and subsequent Flus
“These early results should have made anyone experimenting with radio waves think twice before exposing the whole world to them indiscriminately— should have at least made them cautious. Marconi, however, was unfamiliar with d’Arsonval’s work. Largely self-educated, the inventor had no inkling of radio’s potential dangers and no fear of it. Therefore when he powered up his new transmitter on the island he had no suspicion that he might be doing himself or anyone else any harm.”
3) Below in Letters is an email about another experience with Telus and an excellent suggestion about reporting Telus’s deceptive and harmful practices — a better suggestion than mine which was to complain to the CRTC. I’d forgotten that the CRTC doesn’t take complaints. There is a special commission that handles them. If you’ve had similar experiences with Telus, please do let me know at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca

– https://www.ccts-cprst.ca/about-ccts/overview/who-we-are/
– https://www.ccts-cprst.ca/for-consumers/complaints/complaint-form/
The situation described in the letter but it reminded me of my most recent experience with Telus.
“They were here to exchange the copper for fibre optic one day. (I asked them what they were doing because I needed to leave and they had blocked my driveway.) My phone worked fine afterwards, unless I’d expected to hear it ringing when people tried to call me! About a week later, I realized I wasn’t getting any calls, even though I could call out. I have no idea just when my phone quit ringing, but I related it to the installation of fibre optic cable.
I’ve had endless trouble with Telus, so I didn’t spend much time talking to them. I went to CCTS instead and eventually it was fixed. Instead of spending long periods of time talking to the very nice people in the Philippines who speak for Telus, I went to the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-Television Services at ccts-cprst.ca with my problem. I’d recommend this to anyone with telecom problems.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.” Richard P. Feynman
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.