2023-07-05 Loaded utility poles & wildfires

1) In Texas, people are asking some of the questions we asked and have concerns that we still have related to smeters. Not all the possibilities are identified in this article. One example is the ZigBee chip being activated. This is a second transmitter inside the smeter that is capable of communicating with “smart’ devices in the home, e.g. fridge, TV and sending data to the utility. Once the smeters are all using the internet, and information becomes available via the IoT, our privacy will be much less secure.

Are smart electricity meters a privacy risk?

“By now, most Texans have smart electric meters. These meters help consumers more closely monitor their electricity usage and reduce consumption to cut costs if needed. They monitor a home’s energy use and transmit that data to a utility company about every 15 minutes….

According to Dr. King Man Siu, an assistant professor at the University of North Texas’ College of Engineering, what makes these devices smart” is the ability to capture data regularly and transmit that data to utility companies.”


2) Time-of-use billing (TOU) was a critical component of BC Hydro’s plan when deciding which smeter to use. The capacity was built into the system years ago but I believe BC Hydro would have to obtain BC Utility Commission’s approval before activating it. TOU, which sees higher rates at times of high demand, would result in higher rates especially for those who have little flexibility and are most vulnerable – such as young families, where heating and cooking cannot wait, as well as the elderly and disabled who are home all day using electricity for essentials.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Along with $25M Rate Increase, Utility Will Enforce Controversial “Time-of-Use” Billing Programs

“Variable rate time-of-use pricing will soon be inescapable for Evergy customers in Missouri. In one billing plan, the top rate will be roughly four times as expensive as the base rate, forcing consumers to pay close attention to the way they buy and use electricity.”


3) A letter in opposition to a Bill, written to the Chair of the California Senate Appropriations Committee, that outlines many reasons why wired internet is superior to wireless. Of special note is the increased risk of wildfires caused by infrastructure failure.

“We are writing to urgently request that you oppose AB 1065, a bill which would provide funding for the increasingly massive rollout of wireless installations, and take it away from the much safer, more reliable and energy-efficient option of wired internet connections. The bill would allow companies that provide wireless infrastructure to apply for FFA (Federal Funding Account) funds. Wireless companies are currently ineligible for FFA funds (allocated at two billion dollars) since CPUC regulators have determined that wired connections are technologically superior to wireless, and will provide much better access for the communities this program hopes to reach. We have described below the numerous reasons you should oppose this bill.



Sharon  Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.”   Socrates

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation