1) I have shared the Electrosensitive Society’s website before, but we have many new people so I am sharing again for those who missed it. There is a lot of excellent information on the site that sensitive people will find helpful. The number of EHS sufferers is growing and will continue to grow as the electrosmog increases. The estimates given show, based on 2019 population, that Vancouver has more than 76,000 people who are highly sensitive.
How many people suffer from EHS?
“It is believed that between 1% and 5% of the population in developed countries may have severe symptoms and be debilitated when they are exposed to electrosmog. An additional 35% may have mild to moderate symptoms that allow them to work but reduce their quality of life. Many of these people are unaware of their sensitivity and repeatedly seek medical care..”
2) Here is a very interesting study showing that the younger you are when you first get a smartphone, the worse your mental health might be in a few years. Very young children are being given smartphones for entertainment, and this study reports that young people are spending as much as 8 hours a day on these things. The problems that appear to be related to this are many and varied.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Age of First Smartphone/Tablet and Mental Wellbeing Outcomes
“Mental wellbeing consistently improved with older age of first ownership of a smartphone or tablet, with a steeper change in females compared to males. The percentage of females experiencing mental health challenges decreased from 74% for those who received their first smartphone at age 6, to 46% for those who received it at age 18. For males, the percentage declined from 42% at age 6 to 36% at age 18.”
3) What happens in California usually happens elsewhere in the USA. And usually what happens in the US eventually happens here. There are Bills going through the California legislature that will allow the telecoms to play dirty with local governments, smothering them in paperwork so applications cannot be considered and reviewed appropriately. Here is a 3 minute video from Americans for Responsible Technology. We need to be prepared for the telecoms and people like SitePath to use this method, too. Below in Letters is information that Californians for Safe Technology is sending out to their members and friends with reasons why fibre optic cable to and through premises is the answer.
An urgent message for local government officials in California
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT8brn2S3TM (3 min.)

Hello Friends;
We need your help!
Americans for Responsible Technology (ART) has created a 3-minute video for mayors and other public officials in California. We believe that mayors throughout California aren’t aware of AB 965, a wireless permit batching bill, that is currently circulating in Sacramento, as we have spoken to mayors who expressed that they have not been informed. Therefore, we are asking if you can forward this video to your local mayor or board of supervisors and any other agencies, committees, or organizations within your community that can get the message to the leadership in your community. ART has also created a new web page about AB 965. We believe that local officials need to understand what is about to befall them.
Why We Are Asking the State to Prioritize Fiber
We all know that what happens in California, spreads to the rest of the country. This is by design. California is a testing ground for policies and there is more lobbying, financial funding and focus on California than other States. Therefore, it is no surprise how difficult it is to penetrate the narrative that the wireless industry has concocted for our representatives in Sacramento. The industry claims that AB 965 & AB 1065 will close the digital divide. But these bills will not close the digital divide. The reason? Because they prioritize and fast track fixed wireless which is already outdated and it’s not future proof.
Current demands are already a strain on the existing wireless infrastructure, hence the rollout of 5G, and future demands will require more and more upgrades every few years as well as expanding new generations, 6G, which they are already gearing up for. But fiber to the premises can keep up with current and future demands and is expected to last for 50 years! And according to Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit digital rights group, by every measurement, fiber connections to homes and businesses are, by far, the superior choice for the 21st century. It is not even close.”
FTTP is also preferred by experts to include the CPUC (California Public Utilities), the NTIA, which is the President’s broadband advisory agency and has prioritized fiber through it’s BEAD funding, and as relayed by the prestigious Benton Institute which outlines these reasons stating, “Fiber is sustainable, scalable, and renewable. It offers greater capacity, predictable performance, lower maintenance costs, and a longer technological lifetime than wireless technologies. Fiber service is not degraded by line-of-sight issues and is not affected by the capacity issues that constrain fixed wireless networks.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.