1) A community in Quebec rejects a cell tower application by Videotron. Andre Fauteux has shared an article which is in “Letters”. Congratulations to residents of Bromont.
2) This YouTube is 8 years old, so the situation no doubt is worse today. An infant wearing a Wi-Fi device from the moment it’s born — with such a cuddly sounding name.
The Future of Infant Protection – Next-Gen Hugs on Wi-Fi | RTLS | STANLEY Healthcare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8LmBfZJP30 (4:51 min.)
3) A member just discovered that, nearly 2 years ago, BC Hydro changed his smeter from one with the transmitter disabled to a fully functioning one, while continuing to charge him $40 per billing period. He was not informed, and neither was his permission asked — but he was charged erroneously. He lives in a complex where the meters are kept in a cabinet and not readily visible. I wonder how many others have been deceived like this.
(click on photos to enlarge)

I have suggested that this be reported to:
Patrick Wruck, Commission Secretary of BCUC <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>

4) Reported by a member of a US group.
“Yesterday, the California Coastal Commission approved 36 SpaceX launches at Vandenberg AFB per year. SpaceX presently launches 6 per year.
This was done without any public hearing or public notice on the agenda, so the public did not know. I did not attend yesterday’s hearing because the only Vandenberg project I knew about was postponed. I only learned about it at today’s hearing from two other public commenters, and I joined them in protesting this irregular action by the Commission. If no one had caught it, the action would have been hidden in a staff report.
Below is the link to the agenda. Item #10 “Energy, Ocean Resources and Federal Consistency” report which I was finally able to download today after the hearing (twice previously it wasn’t available on the webpage).”
10 Energy, Ocean Resources & Federal Consistency
Click on title, scroll down to letter on pg. 8 re. Space X https://documents.coastal.ca.gov/reports/2023/6/W10/W10-6-2023-report.pdf
In the letter, SpaceX acknowledges increase in ocean debris and offers to pay toward picking up fishing gear to offset launch junk. The US government will monitor possible effects the launches may have on various species. What about the effects the increased RF will have on all life on earth?
From: André Fauteux <andre@maisonsaine.ca>
Date: Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 7:34 PM
Subject: A win for Pascal Gélinas and Bromont citizens opposed to a cell tower
To: André Fauteux <andre@maisonsaine.ca>
Bromont is a city in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, near Montreal
Bromont rejects Videotron telecom tower project
By Jean-François Guillet, La Voix de l’Est
June 6, 2023
Translated with DeepL
On Monday, elected officials unanimously rejected Videotron’s telecommunications tower project. A resolution was adopted to this effect. (Stéphane Champagne/La Voix de l’Est)
The outcry against Videotron’s plan to build a telecom tower along Compton Road in Bromont seems to have put a damper on the company’s momentum, which, according to the town, is putting the project on ice “indefinitely”. A project also opposed by the municipality.
[Former scientific journalist <gelinas.realisateur@gmail.com>] Pascal Gélinas, an early campaigner against the proposed telecom tower on Chemin Compton, was the first to speak during the initial question period of Monday’s council meeting. In particular, he spoke of a lack of transparency on the part of the city.
“The Vigilance Bromont committee has taken this issue in hand. I’d like to feel that we’re part of the process. We’re working on a protocol that would be typical of Bromont. If there’s a specialist we can meet with, along with people from the municipality, we’d really appreciate it,” he told elected officials.
Pascal Gélinas, member of the Comité Vigilance Bromont, was the first to speak during the initial question period. (Stéphane Champagne/La Voix de l’Est)
Next, Michelle Champagne “thanked the Town for having finally ruled” on the matter, rejecting the initial location advocated by Videotron.
She agreed with Mr. Gélinas regarding the transfer of information between the municipality and the public. “When the file comes back on the table one day or another,” she argued, “can we expect the City to inform citizens more quickly?”
“I’ll let the administration work,” replied Bromont mayor Louis Villeneuve. It’s not because a letter arrives at city hall that the next day [we broadcast it]. There are discussions to be concluded with Videotron. I’ve never been shy about saying that I’m not happy with Videotron’s reactions. I’ve said it publicly and often.”
Mayor Villeneuve also highlighted the work done by the Vigilance Bromont committee to draw up a protocol to better define the siting of telecom towers on the territory. A project that the town also wants to carry out.
When we get there, you can be sure that you’ll be part of the process,” said the mayor. You’ll have a seat at the table. And it will be our pleasure to introduce the expert chosen by management, who is not someone from Health Canada. […] Even if it’s under federal jurisdiction, that doesn’t prevent us from going further.”
Lack of respect
Elected officials officially rejected the tower project presented by the telecom company in a resolution on Monday.
“We told Videotron that we don’t want their antenna on Compton Road,” summarized the mayor. It should be noted that part of the site in question belongs to the town.
“What has angered me is that the citizens of Bromont have taken this file seriously. There were many hours of research at all levels. We asked Vidéotron to come and hold an information session for the public. People showed up in droves. And they [the company representatives] had commitments to answer citizens’ questions within a certain timeframe and to come back to the city with other sites where an antenna could be installed. This was not done. I interpret this as a lack of respect towards the citizens of Bromont and the members of the municipal council and administration. »
Contacted by La Voix de l’Est on Tuesday, Yan Triponez, specialist in real estate acquisition and municipal affairs at Videotron, declined to comment on the case in which he is involved. The company’s communications team declined our request for an interview, settling for a brief statement by e-mail. “We appreciate the interest the citizens of Bromont have shown in the project. When it is reactivated, we will resume our talks with city officials to identify the best location for all concerned.”
Related story published Feb. 23 2023
Paul Héroux, Professor of Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism at McGill University’s Faculty of Medicine, was the first to speak. From the outset, he set the table straight. “The [telecom] industry has goals for wireless. And that goal is expansion at all costs,” points out the man who has also worked at Hydro-Québec and as a consultant for several telecom companies. (…) We’re just creating needs for the future. But, I doubt extremely that 5G (5th generation mobile network) should apply to the entire population. »Le mouvement contre la tour cellulaire de Vidéotron fait écho

Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.” Sir Isaac Newton
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.