1) In 2001 IARC classified ELF magnetic fields as a possible human carcinogen based upon studies showing association with childhood leukemia. As with microwave radiation, more studies have been done, but power lines are still placed near/over homes, schools and hospitals and the IARC classification is unchanged.
Residential exposure to magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines and risk of childhood leukemia
“Spline regression analysis showed an excess risk for both overall leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia among children with residential distances <100 m from power lines, with a monotonic inverse association below this cutpoint.
Conclusions: In this Italian population, close proximity to high-voltage power lines was associated with an excess risk of childhood leukemia, particularly among the youngest children.”
2) I shared information about Rogers’ expansion of its 5G network in BC but I haven’t heard anything about any resistance in the communities. Has there been any that I can share? The Hwy 14 project is just one of many — increasing the electrosmog level for all living things.
Rogers expands wireless service, improves safety with completion of B.C. Highway 14 project
“The project is part of Rogers ongoing work with the B.C. Government to expand service and improve connectivity along other key routes, including Highways 3, 4, 16, 95 and 97. Through its transformative merger with Shaw Communications, Rogers is focused on making long-term network investments to ensure all Canadians can access world-class connectivity, including a five-year commitment to invest $6.5 billion across Western Canada, including $3.1 billion across B.C., to build 5G networks and connect rural, remote and Indigenous communities.”
3) A very interesting sounding webinar on June 14, from the UK. It is offered free to interested persons who wish to listen in. Due to the early hour (6 am PDT), it might be more practical for many to listen via the video which I will share as soon as it is available.
An ICBE-EMF Sponsored Webinar Program
ICBE-EMF-Sponsored Workshop at the Royal Society of Medicine in London
Wednesday June 14 from 2:00 pm (14:00) to 5:30pm (17:30), London, England.
4) Cece Doucette’s schedule of meetings for the month. I strongly suggest you sign up for her newsletter for updates.
Learn Along With US!
“We’re getting reports of more and more communities faced with toxic 5G small cell and macro cell installations right in people’s neighborhoods and on schools.
Join us to learn the many risks to health, environment, property values and more. Please share with your town and school leaders, legislator and loved ones.
There is much we can do to protect ourselves and our towns once we know the facts!
Tuesday, June 6: Zoom 12 noon ET, Public education forum, Wireless Risks and Safer Technology Solutions. Register to receive video and slides.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, June 16, 7 p.m. ET: World EHS Day Massachusetts, via Zoom. Register, and click here for additional information. https://us20.campaign-archive.com/?u=62f2cbcbd8eeef4c8fe3da281&id=5692767c77
Wednesday, June 21: Zoom 12 noon ET Monthly Update Meeting. Register to share and be inspired by safe tech inroads in our communities! All are welcome. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqf–srj8sHtwVnBQhOsmpW8enmmewysn9#/registration
Monday, June 26, 6:30 p.m. ET: Award-winning film and discussion, Generation Zapped! Upton, MA Community Center.
Wednesday, June 28: Zoom 6 p.m. ET Public education forum, Wireless Risks and Safer Technology Solutions. Register to receive video and slides. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctfuirqz4tEtFeX-7MOAqVGB6PTt_R3ahm#/registration”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” Mark Twain
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.