2023-06-02 Motorola Fined by French ANFR for non-compliant cellphone

1) VISTA (Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance) is holding a fundraiser carnival Saturday, June 3. Full details below.

11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Dove Creek Hall, 3400 Burns Road, Courtenay

(click on photos to enlarge)


2) A slap on the hand for Motorola by the French ANFR (equivalent to ISED) after tests done 2 years ago showed RF levels in excesss of 2.0 W/kg (Canada’s limit is 1.6W/kg). Several other companies have received similar fines, but this is nothing, especially without the public being told that the phones are being sold (and used) that exceed allowable limits. But even these light slaps are more than ISED has done in Canada. I’m still trying to get complete information on the 8 phones that were identified by ISED as being non-compliant — even when tested some distance from the body. All 90 phones tested over a 5 year period likely would have exceeded the Safety Code 6 SAR limit (by a lot) if they had been tested next to the body, yet they are still being used by a public that trusts Health Canada and ISED are protecting them.

Motorola is fined 7500 euros!

“In a press release dated May 22, 2023, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) announced that the SAR measurement tests of the Motorola Edge cell phone model did not comply with regulatory limits for the trunk (2.12 W/kg instead of 2 W/kg).

The control launched by ANFR dates back to May 2021. And the tests conducted by the approved laboratory CTC Advanced were carried out in August 2021. It has taken two years before users of these smartphones are finally informed of the non-compliance of their devices with European and national regulations.

List of cell phones withdrawn or updated for deception and endangering users


3) Medical doctors and other healthcare professionals still have the opportunity to earn Continuing Medical Education Credits from courses given. More information sent by Cece Doucette is below in “Letters“.

24.5 CME/CE Credits with International Leading Experts

“Executive Director Elizabeth Kelley, MHA, and her team brought together many of the top scientists, doctors, public health experts and electromagnetic radiation remediation specialists to present the Electromagnetic Fields Medical Conference 2021.

This professional training was re-accredited and the enrollment window closes in two weeks on June 15. Health care practitioners have until July 1 to complete the on-line training and apply for 24.5 CME/CE credits.



4) People are searching for the “perfect sleep” while sleeping with wireless devices, especially cellphones, with them all night and using them all day. Research has shown that EMFs and blue light from computer screens reduce the amount of melatonin produced. Melatonin is a hormone that normally is released when it gets dark and regulates the body’s circadian rhythm which contributes to natural sleep. For new members, blue light can be reduced on computer screens by downloading a free program at:



Lecturers Describe How Technology Affects Our Sleep and Not in a Good Way

“Ridiculously enough, companies continue to create and market electronic and wireless devices for improving sleep even though decades of research have already revealed that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from activity trackers, cell phones and other wireless sources – including 5G – is biologically harmful and can disrupt sleep.”



24.5 CME/CE Credits with
International Leading Experts

Executive Director Elizabeth Kelley, MHA, and her team brought together many of the top scientists, doctors, public health experts and electromagnetic radiation remediation specialists to present the Electromagnetic Fields Medical Conference 2021.

This professional training was re-accredited and the enrollment window closes in two weeks on June 15. Health care practitioners have until July 1 to complete the on-line training and apply for 24.5 CME/CE credits.

We do not know of another conference of this magnitude being planned to teach doctors, nurses, firefighters and other health care practitioners to recognize, diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses from man-made electromagnetic fields.

Please, if you haven’t already given information to your health care team, do so this week:

Click here for a letter to give to your health care practitioners. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ed0007ce169954eea17b10b/t/63fcd4568d4828306d8058e5/1677513814756/EMFMC2021+Health+Practitioner+Letter+Winter+Spring+2023.pdf

Firefighters also need to have continuing education credits but don’t often have travel budgets. They appreciate being able to attend the conference from the fire station. To help facilitate the conversation, please print out and bring the International Association of Fire Fighter’s position statement on Cell Tower Radiation Health Effects to your local fire station along with the conference letter above.

The radiofrequency radiation detection meter recommended for health care practitioners to loan to their patients is the Safe & Sound Pro II by Safe Living Technologies. Those agreeing to participate as citizen scientists in Dr. Magda Havas’ Global EMF Monitoring project can request a discount code for the meter. Learn more here.

The public is welcome to enroll to attend the conference too!

The enrollment fee has been reduced drastically to train as many people as possible before the conference expires. The conference is comprised of two courses:

Course 1: $11 – Pre-lectures: Electrosmog and Electrotherapeutics 101, 4 CME/CE credits

Course 2: $34 – Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness, 20.5 CME/CE credits


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond.”  Marcel Proust

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.




Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation