2023-05-30 FDA petition — Ready for Comments

1) Meg Sears sent the following regarding the petition included in last night’s update about asbestos in drinking water. Please take a minute to sign, if you haven’t already.  And if you have signed, many thanks and please share.

“We’ve just cracked the magical 500, but need a comfortable margin for possible dud signatures or duplicates.

Signatures were really slow initially – I think that many people missed that final step, because an email after most petitions is just asking for you to share, and to send money. If people realise that might have happened for them, they can sign again – duplicates are removed. Better to sign twice than not at all!”


2) If you had trouble downloading the free book shared by Dr. Moskowitz, that I included in last night’s update, you should try this — it worked for me. I googled the titled and was able to download the book easily from:

https://einarflydal.com › ?sdm_process_download=1&download_id=76618

(click on photo to enlarge)

Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health

Smart meters, the law and health by Einar Flydal and Advokatfirmaet Erling Grimstad AS. ISBN: 978-82-692792-3-8 (PDF, downloadable at https://bit.ly/3BI97h3) ISBN: 978-82-692792-5-2 (Print, available for cost of printing & shipping. Contact: post@emf-reform.org) Graphics and typography: Einar Flydal Production: Foreningen for EMF reform

3) Here is an opportunity to express your concerns about the FDA ignoring the law, one that results in people, especially children, being exposed to something that the FDA is ignoring. There doesn’t seem to be a requirement that one must be a US citizen to comment. Canada often follows the lead of the USA. If the FDA can be pushed into taking action as prescribed by this law, perhaps we can get Health Canada to follow. On a podcast, members of ART discuss the petition and its significance.

The FDA Petition… Ready, Set, Comment!

“The FDA has opened a “docket” for our recent petition, so now you can file your own comment. Please remember, this is about the LAW, not about health effects. This is about FDA’s legal obligation to evaluate how people are being exposed, and to develop techniques for minimizing that exposure.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”     Aristotle

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation