1) Thanks to Kate Kheel for this information about the US Congress pushing through 28 bills regarding the “closing of the digital divide”. The bills are below in Letters and includes one entitled “5G Using Previously Granted Rulings that Accelerate Deployment Everywhere Act of 2023”. In the document re. strategy, there is an acknowledgement that this acceleration of widening the spectrum really is for military reasons more than providing internet to communities.
“Access to reliable high-speed broadband services has become an essential tool. In order to ensure all Americans are connected, we need to remove regulatory burdens and cut the red tape, which have resulted in unnecessary permitting delays and exorbitant costs to deploying our communications infrastructure. Without removing these barriers, a record amount of taxpayer money will be wasted and we will fail to close the digital divide for families and businesses in unserved communities. We look forward to considering these bills that will help streamline the permitting process and deploy broadband faster and more effectively, which will help Americans get connected in communities across the country.”
Dept. of Defense: Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategy
“The Nation has entered an age of warfighting wherein U.S. dominance in air, land, sea, space, cyberspace, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is challenged by peer and near peer adversaries. These challenges have exposed the cross-cutting reliance of U.S. Forces on the EMS, and are driving a change in how the DoD approaches activities in the EMS to maintain an all-domain advantage.
EMS challenges go well beyond the military battlespace. The EMS is being repurposed for commercial mobile broadband technologies to bolster economic growth and prosperity, which further restricts DoD’s freedom of action. These sophisticated technologies represent new opportunities for the Department and our national economy. However, they also present new challenges across the competition continuum as the electromagnetic operational environment becomes increasingly congested, contested, and constrained (i.e., complex)...
This Strategy addresses how DoD will: develop superior EMS capabilities; evolve to an agile, fully integrated EMS infrastructure; pursue total force EMS readiness; secure enduring partnerships for EMS advantage; and establish effective EMS governance to support strategic and operational objectives. Investment in these areas will speed decision-quality information to the warfighter, establish effective electromagnetic battle management (EMBM), enable EMS sharing with commercial partners, advance EMS warfighting capabilities, and ensure our forces maintain EMS superiority.”
2) A few months ago, Dr. David Carpenter was punished by his university for using money that he is paid for giving expert testimony (which is common) to assist his students. He says he has never kept a cent for himself but has given the money to aid his grad students for many years. Suddenly, there is a major objection. After many from around the world wrote in support of Dr. Carpenter’s actions and expertise, he was reinstated. Here is a video of his being congratulated for his integrity.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Dr. David Carpenter — Science for the people
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QrrlqAeM2I (video 1:04:30)
“Dr David Carpenter’s talk starts about 30 min. into the video. He talks about PCB (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polychlorinated_biphenyl) contamination and his work as an independent scientist. He also talks about 2 groups of scientists those that are paid handsomely by the industry as promoters of products and those that want to protect people and the environment from noxious agents.
Just recently, ORSAA has been labelled as having “white hat bias” (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1082031/full). Not sure what that labelling means, but I guess it’s about ” pigeonholing”, a group of independent scientists with the aim of devaluing their input.”
(Dr. Victor Leach, ORSAA)

Legislation to be considered:
- H.R. 3279, the “Winning the International Race for Economic Leadership and Expanding Service to Support Leadership Act” or the “WIRELESS Leadership Act” (Rep. Latta)
- H.R. 3295, the “Barriers and Regulatory Obstacles Avoids Deployment of Broadband Access and Needs Deregulatory Leadership Act” or the “BROADBAND Leadership Act” (Rep. Griffith)
- H.R. 3287, the “Cable Access for Broadband and Local Economic Leadership Act” or the “CABLE Leadership Act” (Rep. Balderson)
- H.R. ___, the “Connecting and Building Lines for Expedited Expansion Act” or the “CABLE Expansion Act” (Rep. Lesko)
- H.R. ___, the “Consumer Access to Broadband for Local Economies and Competition Act” or the “CABLE Competition Act” (Rep. Burgess)
- H.R. ___, the “Cable Transparency Act” (Rep. Weber)
- H.R. 3298, the “Broadband Expansion and Deployment Fee Equity and Efficiency Act” or the “BEAD FEES Act” (Rep. Allen)
- H.R. ___, the “Granting Remaining Applications Not Treated Efficiently or Delayed Act” or the “GRANTED Act” (Rep. Obernolte)
- H.R. 3300, the “5G Using Previously Granted Rulings that Accelerate Deployment Everywhere Act of 2023” or the “5G UPGRADE Act of 2023” (Rep. Harshbarger)
- H.R. ___, the “Streamlining Permitting to Enable Efficient Deployment for Broadband Infrastructure Act of 2023” or the “SPEED for Broadband Infrastructure Act of 2023” (Rep. Pence)
- H.R. 3289, the “Wireless Broadband Competition and Efficient Deployment Act” (Rep. Johnson)
- H.R. 3288, the “Broadband Competition and Efficient Deployment Act” (Rep. Joyce)
- H.R. ___, the “Wireless Resiliency and Flexible Investment Act of 2023” (Rep. Bucshon)
- H.R. ___, the “Broadband Resiliency and Flexible Investment Act” (Rep. Crenshaw)
- H.R. 3291, the “Proportional Reviews for Broadband Deployment Act” (Rep. Carter)
- H.R. ___, the “Reducing Antiquated Permitting for Infrastructure Deployment Act” or the “RAPID Act” (Rep. Hudson)
- H.R. ___, the “Coastal Broadband Deployment Act” (Rep. Bilirakis)
- H.R. 3292, the “Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act” (Rep. Walberg)
- H.R. 3280, the “Timely Replacement Under Secure and Trusted for Early and Dependable Broadband Networks Act” or the “TRUSTED Broadband Networks Act” (Rep. Guthrie)
- H.R. 3301, the “Connecting Communities Post Disaster Act of 2023” (Rep. Dunn)
- H.R. 3296, the “Wildfire Communications Resiliency Act” (Rep. Rodgers)
- H.R. 3297, the “Reducing Barriers for Broadband on Federal Lands Act” (Rep. Fulcher)
- H.R. 3309, the “Standard Fees to Expedite Evaluation and Streamlining Act” or the “Standard FEES Act” (Reps. Palmer and Ryan)
- H.R. 3293, the “Expediting Federal Broadband Deployment Act” (Reps. Duncan and Craig)
- H.R. 3299, the “Deploying Infrastructure with Greater Internet Transactions and Legacy Applications Act” or “DIGITAL Applications Act” (Reps. Cammack and Matsui)
- H.R. 3283, the “Facilitating the Deployment of Infrastructure with Greater Internet Transactions and Legacy Applications Act” or “Facilitating DIGITAL Applications Act” (Reps. Miller-Meeks and Dingell)
- H.R. ___, the “Federal Broadband Deployment Tracking Act” (Reps. Pfluger and Soto)
- H.R. ___, to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to extend the authority of the Federal Communications Commission to grant a license or construction permit through a system of competitive bidding (Rep. Rodgers)
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“The older you get, the more you realise it’s not what happens, but how you deal with it.” Tina Turner
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.