1) Illuminating, Community-Building & Fun : ) Full details below in “Letters”.
You are invited to a convergence of Salt Spring locals concerning the Channel Ridge cell tower build. Please share this invite with others.
This Saturday, May 20, at 2 pm
2) Great news!! New York State creates a commission to study effects on health and environment of 5G as well as earlier generations of wireless technology. The members are directed to consider many wonderful and important questions, for example:
“(4) Consider the following questions and the impact they may have on the citizens of New York state:
53 (i) Why has the insurance industry recognized wireless radiation as a
54 significant risk, and refused to insure wireless companies for financial
55 loss due to health claims related to exposure to wireless radiation?…
15 (vi) Why have more than 220 of the world’s leading scientists signed
16 an appeal to the World Health Organization and the United Nations to
17 protect public health from wireless radiation and nothing has been done?”
(click on photos to enlarge)

Bill Title: Establishes a temporary commission to study the environmental and health effects of evolving 5G technology
“AN ACT establishing a commission to study the environmental and health effects of evolving 5G technology; and providing for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Legislative intent. The legislature finds that fifth gener-
2 ation, or 5G, wireless technology is intended to greatly increase device
3 capability and connectivity but also may pose significant risks to
4 humans, animals, and the environment due to increased radio frequency
5 radiation exposure. Therefore, the legislature finds a commission is
6 needed to examine the advantages and risks associated with 5G technolo-
7 gy, with a focus on its environmental impact and potential health
8 effects on citizens of our state.”
3) While science continues to demonstrate the relationship between cell phones and brain tumors, the legal system fails to take action, allowing telecoms to continue to sell their devices which have never been proven to be safe. And despite the fact that many phones, if not most, when held close to the body emit levels of microwave radiation that exceed even the dangerously high SAR levels of FCC and Health Canada. Just one significant win could alert the public to the dangers associated with cell phones just as happened with cigarettes. Maybe New York’s commission will have an impact.
Cell phones: One hundred of brain tumor victims demand justice in the USA
“While a South Korean epidemiological study has recently correlated the incidence of brain tumors and the use of cell phones, (https://phonegatealert.org/en/a-scientific-study-notices-increase-in-brain-tumors-in-south-korea-and-correlates-it-with-cell-phone-use/) many plaintiffs in several regions of the world, including a hundred in the U.S. are demanding that justice recognize the responsibility of manufacturers in brain tumors that affected them or one of their relatives.”
Do you have questions about the tower? Curious what the buzz is about?
Come meet the folks who have been researching cell towers and communicating on this topic with the Islands Trust, Rogers and ISED, the federal tower siting body, since 2021 and earlier.
All Will Be Revealed
Centennial Park, by the gazebo
A group of caring, committed islanders
Contact: amblewoodssi@gmail.com
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” Helen Keller
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.