1) Years ago, cybersecurity experts warned that smeters are very vulnerable and could lead to major hacking issues which potentially could result in “the dark ages”. This research confirms these fears and explains how easy it would be for this to happen.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Research shows how hackers can target smart meters to destabilize electricity grid
“Like circuit breakers in a household panel, power grid components can “trip” and shut off when demand, or load, is too high or problematic for some other reason. The result is load being passed on to other parts of the grid network, which may also shut down, creating the possibility of a domino effect that can lead to a blackout….
“New technologies have been introduced to make our aging electricity infrastructure more efficient and more reliable,” Cotilla-Sanchez said. “At the distribution level, upgrades have included communication systems, distribution automation, local control and protection systems, and advanced metering infrastructure. The bad news is, the upgrades also introduce new dimensions for attacking the power grid..””
2) C4ST newsletter and invitation for all to attend the Community Meeting on Tuesday.
ElectroHyperSensitivity is a Disability that Requires Immediate Attention
C4ST Open Community Meeting
Tuesday, May 7 7:30 PM ET, 4:30 PM PT
Guest speakers: Dr. Magda Havas, Sheena Symington, Shelley Wright
3) Given that these VR googles will be emitting EMF straight into a soldier’s head and that health problems are common, why is this continuing? What is so critical about these wireless devices? Imagine these on children if a 200 lb. man gets sick….
$22B U.S. Military AR Goggles Still Planned despite “majority of soldiers reporting at least one symptom of physical impairment” from Use
“The Army and Microsoft have identified solutions to address these areas through refinements driven by soldier-centered design,” Douglas R. Bush, the Army’s acquisition chief, said in prepared budget hearing testimony that was co-signed by the head of Army Futures Command and the Army’s deputy chief of staff….
“Previous iterations of IVAS have left the majority of soldiers reporting at least one symptom of physical impairment to include disorientation, dizziness, eyestrain, head and motion sickness, nausea, neck strain, and tunnel vision,” said Wittman, who leads the House Armed Services Committee’s Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee. “I am particularly concerned about a product that would cost over $60,000 per soldier and think that the IVAS system needs to be carefully scrutinized to ensure that soldier lethality is enhanced and that Army’s limited budget is maximized.”
4) Dr. Moskowitz summarized this study of 212,046 people with no prior history of hypertension: 12% increase in new cases of hypertension for those using a cellphone for more than 30 minutes a week.
Mobile phone calls, genetic susceptibility, and new-onset hypertension: results from 212 046 UK Biobank participants
“In this large, population-based prospective cohort study, we first demonstrated that mobile phone use for making or receiving calls was significantly related to a higher risk of new-onset hypertension. More importantly, among mobile phone users, there was a significantly positive association between the weekly usage time of mobile phones for making or receiving calls and new-onset hypertension. In addition, the association between weekly usage of mobile phones for making or receiving calls and the risk of hypertension was strengthened by the genetic susceptibility to hypertension. Nevertheless, there were no significant associations between the length of mobile phone use or hands-free device/speakerphone use to make or receive calls and the risk of new-onset hypertension. These findings suggested that it is the frequency of mobile phone use for making or receiving calls, rather than the length of start using it, that determined the effect of mobile phone use on the risk of hypertension. In other words, long-term healthy mobile phone use for making or receiving calls may not affect the risk of hypertension as long as it is used for no more than 30 min per week to make or receive calls.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” Stephen Hawking
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.