I am very happy to share this news about our group. We have a new name and a new website. The Coalition to Stop Smart Meters is now Citizens For Safer Tech.
We formed in 2010 to confront the government’s mandate to have a radiation-emitting device, the smart meter, put on every home in BC. We devoted a lot of time and energy on smeters while, at the same time, learning and sharing more information about other wireless devices and technology, e.g. 5G. Microwave radiation is dangerous regardless of the source. Our name, though, has not reflected this broad range and at times has been misleading. I changed my email address years ago to reflect more accurately our concerns. We now are changing our name and website for the same reason.
The initial website, www.stopsmartmetersbc.com will remain but will not be updated. New information will be available at our new site: www.citizensforsafertech.ca Right now, the site looks just like the old one, but gradually we will be doing some housekeeping and updating.
1) An investigative journalist has taken the FCC to task for doing what Health Canada and ISED are doing — neglecting the job of protecting the public and the environment.
(click on photos to enlarge)

The FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t.
“The agency is mandated to safeguard the environment from damage caused by communication infrastructure. But when companies want to add new cell phone towers, build on protected land or launch satellites, the agency typically does little or nothing.”
2) Some really good news from another Massachusetts community.
Sheffield & Great Barrington MA Voters Approve Hold on 5G Until FCC Addresses Lawsuit Loss Re: Safety
“Sheffield and Great Barrington joined several other communities in Massachusetts that are focused on regulating 5G small cell installations. In response to limited phone service in some areas, the petitioners cited that the 5G small cells are not about making a phone call. They are short range and were designed to make streaming faster. But testing has subsequently proven its hardly faster than 4G from cell towers, and the small
cell frequencies are disrupted by rain and trees, so are unreliable.”

A letter from a new group, CARE — Canadian Alliance for Reducing Electro-Smog.
Hello everyone,
Thank you to everyone that has joined us in our meetings. We have enjoyed meeting all of you and talking about this big issue of Cell Towers, Antennas, Electro-smog and the other dynamics. Our goal is to bring people together, so they can continue to meet and connect with those in their immediate communities also.
Meeting Agenda
- Introductions
- Housekeeping Items
- Group Mission, Goals and Vision – open for comments and feedback
- Cell Towers – Canada
- Cell towers – Elsewhere
- Community Announcements
- Action Item (s)
- Working Groups
For the complete Agenda, see the Proton Drive Folder: https://drive.proton.me/urls/AK9V3H6VMW#MZsfMmXvaTd4
Within this folder, you’ll also find things like Public Education and a file (Proposed Towers Canada Details) with all of the recently proposed cell towers that we are aware of. Feel free to send us updates or any new information.
Mission, Goals and Vision of CARE
This draft is open for feedback, please feel free to either to discuss during the next meeting or send us your suggestions via email to: VISafeTechAlliance@proton.me + marg.c4st@gmail.com.
Here’s a ‘key’ or legend to the Proton Drive folder. https://drive.proton.me/urls/SDP1DK80MG#77k1n2RDA5AZ . This Drive Folder is intended to be a temporary way to share information easily until we have a website or other means of doing so. As there is a lot of information already uploaded to the VISTA drive, links to those folders are also included within this document.
If you have a Public Info Package for a cell tower in your area that you’d like to share with us, please reply to this email and we’ll upload it to the ‘INFO PKGS Proposed Towers – CANADA’ folder. https://drive.proton.me/urls/PAV3PPCC00#TeKjcUeffVpy
Cell Tower or Antenna Pictures? Send them to us via VISafeTechAlliance@proton.me + marg.c4st@gmail.com with some details (i.e. location, city/province). For now, we can upload them to the Drive until we have a website, or perhaps we upload them to a social media site (call out for anyone interested in taking on the social media working group).
Next meeting is scheduled for Wed, May 17 at 6:30 pm Pacific Time / 7:30 pm Mountain Time / 8:30 pm Central Time / 9:30 pm Eastern Time
We look forward to seeing you all on Wed!
Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance (VISTA)
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.” Friedrich Nietzsch
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.