1) A lot of very interesting things are happening in the USA — especially in Massachusetts. Hopefully, we can use some of their ideas and experiences to get some things going here in Canada. A new bill is being introduced that takes aim at EHS (EMS in the USA). A public hearing is being held on May 4, with testimony by both citizens and experts. Non-residents can participate. Full details are below in “Letters“.
Testimony must be received by May 02 @ 5:00 ET, @ 2:00 PT — I received this information just this evening.
An Act recognizing EMS as a disease dangerous to the public health, requiring inclusion in MAVEN, establishing the Massachusetts EMS registry and requiring biennial reporting as part of population health trends
The Bill can be read here:
2) Regarding EHS in BC, one of our members is trying to find out what type of accommodation has been granted by VIHA, public sites like libraries or Council offices, schools, any type of doctors’ offices, or at work. For example: one member’s son, who was extremely sensitive to Wi-Fi in school, was given money for tutor assistance for home schooling. Another has a chiropractor who turns off Wi-Fi in his office for her appointment.
If you have been granted some accommodation, would you please let me know. If precedents are being set by various authorities, it is harder for others to refuse.
Send to: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “accommodation” on the subject line.
I also would like to know of cases where accommodations have not been granted, leading to serious consequences. For example: a teacher who is sensitive to Wi-Fi has been put on disability rather than allow him to work in a school without Wi-Fi. This causes grave financial hardship for the teacher while refusing to allow a dedicated educator to do his job.
Send examples to me with “no accommodation” on the subject line.
3) Unanimously Approved State Legislation Imposes “significant penalties” on Stalkers Who Use Remote Tracking Tech on Victims
(click on photos to enlarge)
Indiana OKs Penalties for Remote Tracking Without Consent
“State lawmakers gave final approval Monday to legislation imposing significant penalties on any person who uses an Apple AirTag or other remote tracking device to keep tabs on a former romantic partner or to track anyone without their consent.
Senate Enrolled Act 161 makes the unlawful use of a remote tracking device in most cases a felony, punishable by up to 2 1/2 years behind bars for a repeat offense or if the person being tracked has a protective order against the tracker, or six years in prison if the equipment is used for stalking.”

We have some exciting news for you! A Massachusetts bill for recognizing EMS as a disease dangerous to the public health, requiring inclusion in MAVEN, establishing the Massachusetts EMS registry and requiring biennial reporting as part of population health trends is going to be heard at the Massachusetts State House at 9am EST on Thursday, May 4th!
The New Hampshire Commission Report recommended a registry of harm, but it hasn’t happened yet in any state – so this is really incredible news, as it would be a first in the country!
Scott McCollough wrote this bill, which structured the harm documentation to be built into MAVEN, the current documentation system for public health issues.
Massachusetts will need our help get House Bill 2158 passed! If you can testify, write letters, share stories, and lend support, they need us.
Please see more details from our friends at Massachusetts for Safe Technology on how you can help:
Public Hearing Thursday, May 4,
9 a.m – 1 p.m. ET
Please join us to testify and or/send in a written statement of support for House Bill 2158. This requires the Department of Public Health to add electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) to the list of diseases dangerous to the public health. With EMS data input
by health care practitioners, the Commonwealth
can make better public safety decisions.
We hope to build the public record on this bill with facts from
citizens, scientists, doctors, nurses, public servants
and other professionals witnessing the fallout
from today‘s electropollution.
Here are the details, thanks for testifying!
- Massachusetts H.2158 An Act recognizing EMS as a disease dangerous to the public health, requiring inclusion in MAVEN, establishing the Massachusetts EMS registry and requiring biennial reporting as part of population health trends is sponsored by Representatives Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Vanna Howard and Mary S. Keefe and assigned to the Joint Committee on Public Health.
- Citizens and EMF experts are encouraged to send in testimony, testify live via Zoom or in person. You needn’t be from Massachusetts. Those testifying on Thursday must register by 5p.m. ET / 2p.m. PT on Tuesday, May 2.
- Please be respectful of the committee’s time. They have many bills to get through in this hearing. Please write out spoken testimony and practice it aloud several times to be sure you do not exceed three minutes.
- Your own words are most powerful. Share your experience and any other facts you want them to know. Feel free to gather inspiration from the Resources page at Massachusetts for Safe Technology.
- The MA legislature now has a form to submit testimony. You may enter a brief statement directly into the form on-line, and/or upload ONE file to submit.
- Click here to submit testimony and/or register to speak in support of H. 2158.
- If you would like to speak early in the four-hour session to limit your exposure to electromagnetic fields, you can request accessability accommodations here.
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbBlRKL4qLinf48J4ef8EvqBMMazeCWuXUfANHIkNM-gZMvw/viewform
Jenny DeMarco
Virginians for Safe Technology
Odette Wilkens
Wired Broadband, Inc.
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.” Charles Darwin
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.