1) This is from the USA, Langley, Washington to be specific, so some of the tactics used there may not be applicable here but there are good ideas that are worth considering. Above all, each and every community needs to educate its Mayor and Councillors, and to implement a strong policy for cell tower siting and even for other wireless devices, such as microcells. Campanelli is a lawyer who has helped many towns in the US to confront telecoms.
We desperately need a Canadian lawyer who can help protect our rights to live in our homes, for our children to attend schools, and to enjoy our environment without being exposed, without choice, to dangerous EMF emissions.
A Back-door Strategy Successfully Leapfrogs Government Gridlock to Stymie Future Wireless Overreach
“A local activist with organization CLEAR successfully crowd-funded a bullet-proof Campanelli wireless code for the small city of Langley, WA! A first such for the state!
Local activists in the U.S. are concerned about the accelerating push of huge towers and distributed 5G minicell systems. They have heard often that revising their local city or county telecommunications code is an essential safeguard against FCC-enabled stealth and bullying tactics of Big Wireless. There is an expertly recognized body of recently developed legally protective clauses needed to bolster old codes. They empower governments to take back local control of planning and safety from Big Wireless.”
2) Telus wants to erect 2 new cell towers, one in Courtenay and one in Comox. Public meetings will be held on Nov. 9 in Courtenay and Nov. 10 in Comox. Full details are in the links below. I do hope people will attend, prepared to ask tough questions and to demand answers from the same cast of characters who have failed to be forthright with many people on Vancouver Island.
(click on photos to enlarge)
1388 Ellenor Road, Comox, BC – July 28, 2022 – https://cvrdagendaminutes.comoxvalleyrd.ca/Agenda_minutes/CVRDCommittees/EASC/08-Aug-22/z2%2020220728%20Warren%20SR%20PJ1B22%20Procter%20Martin%20Telus%20Tower%20Little%20River%20Introduction.pdf
3505 Dove Creek Road, Courtenay, BC – September 23, 2021 – http://agendaminutes.comoxvalleyrd.ca/Agenda_minutes/Advisory/AAPC/14-Oct-21/Trieu%20PJ2C21%20Dove%20Creek%20Telus%20Communications%20Tower%20AAPC%20Memo.pdf
3) Below is an excellent letter to the Green Party MLA asking for help, along with the standard response, which is totally non-responsive. Lavonne is hoping others will use this letter, or write one of their own, feel free to use any part of her letter you wish to write to MLAs and MPs. We must push these people to become educated on this vital topic. If you do and wish to share your letters and responses (if you got one), please forward to me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca

From: Lavonne Garnett (name given with permission)
To: “Sonia Furstenau – BC Greens” <gifts@bcgreens.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, 26 October, 2022 22:49:54
Subject: Re: Did you receive my letter?
Dear Sonia and the BC Green Party:
I am not going to spend my time again looking through a survey to see if there is anything on the risks of electromagnetic radiation. This topic is now the most pressing, IMO, as Nanaimo has opted to be a 5G Model City under the aegis of the United Nations, with their Doughnut Economy model. When I asked the City to include electromagnetic radiation (emr) in the Environment section of the Doughnut model, not one City of Nanaimo Councillor even bothered to reply to me. Either all of our representatives in government mistakenly think emr is a conspiracy theory, or they are so ill-informed they do not recognize the harms. However, at the very least, all of you are obliged to respond to our concerns, are you not? The Green Party has on occasion acknowledged my letters, but no visible, effective action is ever taken.
I know people who are feeling the ill effects of an increase in radiation in Nanaimo, Qualicum Beach and Duncan, and they have nowhere to escape to. Simply because not everyone feels or even recognizes the connection between emr and symptoms, because essentially most people, including politicians, are not educated enough to know, does not mean that biological harms are not taking place. The damage occurs over time, distance from the source, and accumulation of the body being exposed to emr.
BC Hydro installed a software upgrade on Radio Off Smart Meters, and if we had not noticed the employee and asked what she was doing, we would not likely have been able to figure that it was the cause of a strange hum in our house and damaging emr that kept me awake for 3 weeks, as it took that long to get BC Hydro to remove the upgrade. How have others been affected and what is happening to them if they were not informed of this upgrade? I know a person who has been feeling ill since about the same time, last April, but has not figured out if an upgrade was put on her Radio Off SM. I have been told of a couple of other persons, in the same circumstances, who have felt similar symptoms. How many other people are being harmed, because there are no adequate protections in place, and we are not being listened to?
Once again, it is incumbent upon our elected officials to learn about this topic. Just because Health Canada Safety Code 6 is held back from including scientific studies that prove that emr negatively affects biology does not take the onus off our local politicians to learn more. How else are we to penetrate the barrier to live healthily if we are to be constantly exposed to these frequencies that are out of sync with our bodies?
Do you have any idea how the people feel, who tell me they are affected, who are aware of how emr is affecting them, how the erection of cell towers close to where they live is preventing them from sleeping well (sleep is the most important time for healing), how they cannot enjoy going out anymore, and are living in fear for their lives?
Here on the BC coast, people in Nanaimo learned that 5G cell towers were being installed during Covid, without any informed consent. They felt betrayed! Residents of Qualicum Beach failed to stop a 5G cell tower from being placed across from a church/daycare centre. Residents in Gold River, Duncan and Courtney/Comox are trying to stop 5G towers, as well as some of the Gulf Islands. Duncan and the Gulf Islands appear to have adopted some of the Doughnut Economy model principles, but where is the emr protection? How is it that our politicians/governments allow the proliferation of 5G,and their citizens, who are aware of the harms, have to fight for their lives?
I hope you see that filling the Green Party survey would not have provided the space for me to articulate these increasingly grave concerns. I fear for my friends in the cities, where there is so much radiation affecting them. For the sake of all of us, please get involved and provide the protection for the citizens of this province that we are entitled to.
Please let me know that you have received my letter, and let me know what you are doing to address this serious issue of emr.
Lavonne Garnett
Dear Sonia & The Green Party:
I forgot to ask, what do you suppose will happen when those thousands of 5G satellites put into our stratosphere during Covid are turned on to connect with the cell towers on the ground? Is that why the Public Health Officers and epidemiologists, directed by the WHO, are warning us of more pandemics? Given that electromagnetic radiation stresses biology, that the biological response is to create a distressing cleansing reaction for survival in those who are health compromised, and that viruses are a part of this process, will we once again see a rise in sickness and deaths as we did during the rollout of 5G, concomitant with Covid? Will we be told that the only solution is lockdowns, masks and vaccines? Or, will some in their last breaths admit that altering our stratosphere creating an unnatural electric grid to encapsulate the entire planet above and below was a mistake?
Will those who represent the people bring the voices of the people into the open to stop this experiment occurring without informed consent? Or, are you prepared for more headaches, vertigo, nausea, insomnia, increased rates of cancer, Parkinsons, heart, stroke and respiratory illnesses that our medical system already cannot handle? I don’t think resilience and being connected will be a sufficient defense, unless these concerns about this massive experiment are brought to light and a moratorium be declared on the 5G experiment.
Lavonne Garnett
From: “BC Green Gifts” <gifts@bcgreens.ca>
To: Lavonne Garnett
Sent: Thursday, 27 October, 2022 10:13:59
Subject: Re: Did you receive my letter?
Hi Lavonne,
Thank you for reaching out to us. We apologize if your concerns aren’t already addressed in the survey. However, this survey is intended for you to share your priorities, so that our MLAs, Sonia and Adam, will be aware of them by receiving the survey’s feedback. I’ll link the survey here for you, in case you’d like to give it another shot: https://www.bcgreens.ca/fall_survey_2022
Another way to submit a policy proposal initiative, if you wish, is through our website link: https://form.123formbuilder.com/6231210/form
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance,
Márcio Vieira (he/him)
Supporter Care Specialist
BC Green Party
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness.” Arthur Schopenhauer
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components.