1) EMR Australia’s July newsletter with articles on the following topics:
- mobile phones and infertility
- mobile phone tower risks –
- nurses increasing awareness about electromagnetic pollution
- wireless radiation affecting brain’s hippocampus
- how wavelength affects individuals
- powerline risks
- a French court ordering a 4G tower be turned off.
(click on photo to enlarge)

2) A review of available studies going back decades to expand the knowledge of available evidence of harm from cell towers. The vast majority of studies showed serious effects. Only part of the study is available at this link. If I can find the entire study, I will share but even this portion must be given to local Councils — which of course must be ignored when considering an application (according to ISED). None of this information is new but it’s being hidden by the corporations, by our government and by the media. It’s up to us!! It’s time we demand our health over Telus’s, Rogers’, Bell’s, etc. profit.
Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer
“The objective of this work was to perform a complete review of the existing scientific literature to update the knowledge on the effects of base station antennas on humans. Studies performed in real urban conditions, with mobile phone base stations situated close to apartments, were selected. Overall results of this review show three types of effects by base station antennas on the health of people: radiofrequency sickness (RS), cancer (C) and changes in biochemical parameters (CBP). Considering all the studies reviewed globally (n=38), 73.6% (28/38) showed effects: 73.9% (17/23) for radiofrequency sickness, 76.9% (10/13) for cancer and 75.0% (6/8) for changes in biochemical parameters…. Of special importance are the studies performed on animals or trees near base station antennas that cannot be aware of their proximity and to which psychosomatic effects can never be attributed.
Conclusion: In the current circumstances, it seems that the scientific experts in the field are very clear about the serious problems we are facing and have expressed this through important appeals (Blank et al., 2015; Hardell and Nyberg, 2020). However, the media, the responsible organizations (World Health Organization, 2015) and the governments are not transmitting this crucial information to the population, who remain uninformed. For these reasons, the current situation will probably end in a crisis not only for health but also for the technology itself, as it is unsustainable and harmful to the environment and the people.”
3) FBB has allowed easy access to their newsletters and reports. Many have good info that pertain to network developments that we could take to our various governments. This is the future and we should encourage expansion of fibre networks to prevent the continued proliferation of wireless.

[Mark your calendar JULY 25, please reply]
Cell Phones & Towers – Radiation Problems, Solutions and Safety
Monday, July 25, 2022 at 7:00pm,
Qualicum Beach Civic Centre, 747 Jones St., QB
Invite your families and neighbours for a wonderful learning experience.
We welcome your questions in a conversation setting.
Guest speaker: Shelley Wright,
Retired teacher of 29 years and Director of Canadian Educators for Safe Technology.
Subject: Cell Phones and Towers – Radiation Problems, Solutions and Safety
Marcus Schluschen,
Certified EMF consultant (radiation, mitigation specialist)
He will be demonstrating the constant radiation emitted by cell phones and wireless devices. Have the radiation levels of your phone checked for free.!
Please confirm you will be attending by email:
Thank you kindly,
Carol and Fred Dowe,
Canadians for Safe Technology, www.C4ST.org [watch Frank Clegg video]
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage, or of principle.” Confucius