1) There is a lot of information in the expert evidence that is very important, but if you looked at the video by Dr. Havas in which she is comparing RF levels from various wireless devices and then from a human body you might wonder why.
(click on photo to enlarge)

For many years, in many testimonies before Courts and Utility Commissions, including before BCUC in support of Fortis BC application for a “smart” gas meter in 2013, Exponent has stated that the human body emits more electromagnetic radiation than does a smart meter. Of course, we know this to be ridiculous but the BCUC Panel and other “judges”, not being scientists and being fooled by Exponent’s “credentials”, have believed it. Exponent says the same thing again in the support for FortisBC’s smart gas meter. It is stated that the human body emits more RFR than a Wi-Fi router and other wireless devices, too. Dr. Havas decided to show how silly this is and made this video in an effort to prove to the Panel that Exponent is mocking science with this sort of statement. This is the type of bent science that FortisBC should be ashamed to use to convince BCUC about the safety of smeters.
One assertion (on pages 342/783 and 344/783 of the Application) is that the human body emits 4200 times the amount of RFR that a “smart” gas meter does, and significantly more than a Wi-Fi router, for example.
Table 4. Frequency and representative RF exposure values for common man-made RF sources (Notice natural radiation is included under “man-made RF source”.)
https://docs.bcuc.com/documents/proceedings/2021/doc_62642_b-1-fei-cpcn-ami-project-application.pdf (pg.342/783 and again on pg.344/783)
Dr. Havas’s video:
April 14, 2022 C7-12 Submission dated April 14, 2022 – CORE submitting Intervener Video Evidence
Further response by Dr. Havas:
“All the calculated values (Fig. 5.1) should be similar if the information in Fig. 5 is accurate. However, these values differ by orders of magnitude. It is difficult to determine if “any” of the information in Fig. 5 is reliable. This figure serves the industry view that smart meters emit less radiation than a human body and less radiation than the natural levels from earth, implying that they are safe, which is false information since humans do not emit radio frequency radiation and the levels from earth are sporadic and associated with lightning and levels are lower than those emitted by manmade devices….
We need to use words carefully and we need to be as precise as possible. The term “electromagnetic radiation” can apply to many different frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum. This case is about radio frequency radiation that falls within Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 Guideline and this range is from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Humans do NOT emit radiation within this range! Humans emit infrared radiation or heat. They do NOT emit radio frequency radiation or microwave radiation which is the focus of this case.”
https://docs.bcuc.com/Documents/Proceedings/2022/DOC_66745_C7-16-CORE-Responses-CEC-IR1.pdf (pg.39-40/367)
2) This office is asking for you to tell them if you have a complaint that they can handle. Like you, I have tried to get help re. BC Hydro — to no avail. I was told to write to BC Hydro and demand an answer. When all I got was a form letter, the Ombudsperson said, “Well, they answered. There isn’t anything more we can do.” Give it a shot if you wish — maybe you’ll have better luck. We now have Telus, FortisBC, BC Hydro and schools all with wireless devices in our homes and we have no choice, no recourse. Personally, this seems like a PR effort and a waste of time and money. I certainly wish they had the authority to help us.
Office of the Ombudsperson
“BC Ombudsperson staff are touring central Vancouver Island from June 20-24th. If you think you have been treated unfairly, give us a call to book your in-person appointment today: 1-800-567-3247.
We will be visiting central Vancouver Island the week of June 20-24th. We will be holding in-person meetings with the public to listen to complaints about public sector organizations. To find out more about what organizations we have oversight over,…”
or Facebook – https://tinyurl.com/5xtnnbp8
https://www.facebook.com/bcombudsperson/posts/391576876343575?notif_id=1654751823597212¬if_t=comment_mention&ref=notif (See comments — many are asking, why the waste of money for this trip and for the office.)
3) Something rather bizarre from a member. I wonder what we are supposed to do about this if talking to CRA is a security issue?
“Today while talking to the Canadian Revenue Agency on the phone, the recording they have while you are waiting stated something like, “be aware that CRA agents use cell phones during calls which may present risks”.
I spoke with three agents today, all of which where using cell phones.
All three were evasive regarding what that risk statement really meant, and assured me they have high levels of security.
So, they don’t allow in-person visits at their offices, don’t communicate via email, and now say they are using cell phones which may “present risks”.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin