1) It is time to update CEPA to include EMR as an environmental toxin. We have a right to live in a healthy, safe environment and it is via CEPA that this can be formalized and regulated. This is an excellent paper; many thanks to Prevent Cancer Now and C4ST.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Protect Birds, Bees and Trees: Include EMR in Canadian Environmental Protection Act Amendments
“CEPA is the Logical Law for Regulating Anthropogenic Electromagnetic Radiation In our view, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) 6 is the most logical, effective statute for assessment and regulation of this rapidly increasing environmental agent. Bill S-5 Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act, 7 introduced in the Senate on February 9th, 2022, is an opportunity to enact specific legislative provisions and enabling legislation to promulgate regulations that can be used to assess and regulate the increasing amounts of anthropogenic radiofrequency radiation emitted for wireless telecommunications. Of relevance, safer non-wireless alternative telecommunication technologies using fibre and wired connections are also faster, and more secure, reliable, resilient and energy efficient, 8 making these technologies the climate-wise options.”
2) An interview with Dafna Tachover. I have not had time to listen to it yet, but it sounds interesting.
The details of 5G Technology and how it may negatively impact your health and privacy.
“Today, my interview with Dennis Michael Lynch, “The details of 5G Technology and how it may negatively impact your health and privacy” was posted. This is yet another interview on a platform that gives us much exposure to a new audience. DML has one of the most popular news platforms and shows. His page has 4 million views per month and he has 1.6 million followers on Facebook. The interview is great for beginners and “doubters.” In the beginning of the interview he explains that he was pushed by his producer to cover the 5G issue on which he knows practically nothing and said that a year ago, if asked, he would have said that “5G harm” was possibly a conspiracy theory. By the end of the interview he was convinced of the problem and evidence and concluded that likely his headaches are caused by wireless radiation.”
or https://tinyurl.com/2p8efpcw
3) The report about the FCC being told to review its standards is not new, but this article is and has a lot of good background info that most of the earlier articles lacked. The Court did not impose a date for that review so the status quo holds, unfortunately. But hopefully, with pressure from the public, action will be required.
Federal Court Instructs FCC to Review Electromagnetic Radiation Standards
In response to a request in the March 12 update, some members have offered help to Cece Doucette, expressing appreciation for the efforts in Pittsfield.

To the Berkshire Eagle Editors,
I do not want to take a lot of your time, but I DO want to thank you so very much for covering the cell tower rejection, and I would also like to send enormous thanks to the Pittsfield Board of Health for voting unanimously to issue a Cease and Desist Order to Verizon for the cell tower harming the community.
I see this issue very much as the tobacco issue of many decades ago with one difference: there is a very powerful industry who is able to control the message from “science”, but the former industry created a smokey product that produced a very unpleasant environment immediately while the latter industry has created a product that is very useful and the ill effects take a long time to appear.
The citizens in Pittsfield have been very courageous to question and then take action regarding the safety of wireless technology; those of us far, far away thank you for taking this step so that perhaps we may follow!
Berkshire Eagle
Pittsfield, MA
March 14, 2022
Sincere appreciation and thanks from my wife, Mary Cathryn, and me for the wise decision by the Pittsfield Board of Health to vote in favor of issuing the Cease and Desist Order to Verizon’s cell tower. I have done my own independent research on EMF since 2011, and am aware of the 35,323 EMF studies published on emf-portal.org:
I’m also aware of the estimate by scholars, and by the site director to me directly, that about 2/3rds of those 35,000+ studies show harm (an estimated 23,666 studies, and increasing by dozens every month). I’ve also collected dozens of other collections of studies, each of which has dozens, or hundreds, or thousands of published EMF research studies. Two of the largest collections of high quality studies close to home are:
*The Bio-Initiative Report (Cindy Sage, MA, and Dr. David O. Carpenter, Director, Institute for Health & the Environment, SUNY Albany) https://bioinitiative.org/
* Safer EMR (Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director, Center for Family & Community Health, Univ of CA Berkeley) https://www.saferemr.com/
Mary Cathryn and I admire the Board’s strength, and that of the people of Pittsfield, for setting an example of evidence-based decisions in favor of the health of our nation, especially at this time when there are more than the usual causes of stress and threats to our nation and to our health.
Thank you,
Einar Olsen (name given with permission)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The path of least resistance is the path of the loser.” H. G. Wells